Page 13 - LIMA 2023 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 13
Turkish defence firm Aselsan’s Gokdeniz The Korkut and Gokdeniz weapon systems in a joint venture (JV) between Gülsan and
close-in weapon system (CIWS) has been use Aselsan’s Atom 35 mm particulate Dearsan Shipyard. The Pakistan Navy is
integrated into the MİLGEM-5 Ship after ammunition, which create a dense cloud of another Gokdeniz CIWS customer having
the factory acceptance tests were com- particles by exploding in front of the target installed them on its Babur-Class (MILGEM)
pleted. Aselsan announced in May, that thanks to a precise time-programmed fuse. multi-mission corvettes. The Gokdeniz
it had successfully completed the fac- This feature enables barrelled weapons CIWS will also be integrated on the Turkish
tory acceptance tests for the maritime such as Gokdeniz to demonstrate high-ac- Navy’s Istanbul Class Frigates, which is the
CIWS. Aselsan’s Chairman of the Board curacy and efficiency against small and second phase of the MILGEM programme
and General Manager Prof. Dr. Haluk fast air targets. for four warships.
Görgün noted that the Gokdeniz System
was developed to meet the needs of the An increasing number of export custom- Aselsan tested the Gokdeniz CIWS proto-
Turkish Naval Forces Command, with the ers have already opted for the Gokdeniz type on a Turkish Navy ship in May 2018,
firm’s deep experience and know-how in CIWS, which has already been selected wherein a high speed target drone having
near-field air defense. He further empha- by Turkmenistan for its largest warship,’ a speed greater than 180 m/s was used
sised that the Gokdeniz is produced entirely Deniz Han’, designed by Turkish shipyard to represent an antiship missile. It can
with domestic and national solutions. “The Dearsan Shipyard and built in Turkmenistan engage targets in sea-skimming scenarios
Gokdeniz system has not only eliminated and offers autonomous target detection,
tracking and firing with the ability to destroy
foreign dependency; It has performed much targets at long-range. The system with the
better than the equivalent foreign systems.” automatic link less ammunition feed mech-
anism allows loading both HEI and airburst
Prof. Dr. Görgün said, “The Gokdeniz Close ammunition at the same time and switch-
Air Defence System stands out as a point ing between ammunition types as needed.
defense system that can destroy anti-ship In addition to anti-ship missiles.
missiles targeting the ship it is stationed
on.” The Gokdeniz CIWS is being inte- The Gokdeniz CIWS is one of several prod-
grated on the Turkish Navy’s Istanbul Class ucts offered by Aselsan for the export
Frigates, which is the second phase of the market. In 2022, Aselsan exported its
MILGEM programme for four warships. The products to three new countries for the first
Gokdeniz CIWS can effectively perform time. The number of countries that have
shipborne defence against helicopter, air- ordered defence equipment from Aselsan
craft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and in the last four years has reached 81 with
surface vehicles threats. It can also defend the addition of 18 new countries. Aselsan
against anti-ship missiles. Company offi- now has export orders in the pipeline worth
cials say that they are confident of the US$1 billion and over the last four years
export prospects of the Gokdeniz CIWS has presented 50 different products, which
as it offers superior features compared its were never sold abroad before in the inter-
competitors on the international market. national arena.
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