Page 9 - LIMA 2023 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 9


                 40 YEARS IN MALAYSIAN MARKET

        European defence conglomerate Leonardo   Traffic Management solutions for the last  security in the region enabling defence,
        is marking 40 years of its presence in the  30 years in Malaysia, to clients including  homeland security and environmental pro-
        Malaysian market this year. The company  national Civil Aviation Authority, Malaysia  tection missions. The ATR-based special
        is promoting its military fixed and rota-  Airports Holdings Berhad and the Royal  mission aircraft is ideally suited to meet the
        ry-winged platforms in addition to new  Malaysian Air Force.                  growing requirements in the APAC region,
        naval capabilities for the Asia-Pacific region                                benefitting from the extended logistics sup-
        at the ongoing LIMA. With Leonardo cele-  At LIMA, the company is display an   port, already assured to many regional ATR
        brating the 40th anniversary of its presence  AW189 helicopter from Malaysia Fire   operators.
        in Malaysia in 2023, the company’s nation-  and Rescue Department (Jabatan Bomba   Leonardo is the aircraft Original Equipment
        wide footprint has grown to 350 people.   dan Penyelamat Malaysia), together with   Manufacturer, providing the ATR platform
                                               an AW109 providing Helicopter emer-    equipped with ATOS (Airborne  Tactical
        While Leonardo has had its name changed  gency medical service (HEMS) services in   Observation and Surveillance) mission
        many times during these past 40 years of  Malaysia.At the ongoing show, Leonardo is   system, sensors, communications and
        operations, Malaysia is becoming the Asia-  showcasing its Vulcano 76 mount gun able   ground station. The company is also turn-
        Pacific hub for important aviation activities,  to shoot DART guided ammunitions. Some   key system integrator on this platform.
        including the establishment of a helicopters  of these technologies are being demon-  The ATR 72MP Leonardo’s ATOS mission
        regional maintenance, training and logis-  strated on the Italian Navy’s Multi-purpose  system, the operational heart of the aircraft,
        tics facility, serving an international fleet  Offshore Patrol Vessel (PPA) Francesco  integrates all of the aircraft’s on-board sen-
        of more than 200 platforms in service, with  Morosini, which is also at LIMA as part  sors –, including the Leonardo Seaspray
        over 60 helicopters delivered in Malaysia  of its tour of the Far East. The Morosini  7300E V2 radar and ULISSES (Ultra-LIght
        in the last 10 years. Leonardo Malaysia,  vessel, designed for dual-use missions,  SonicS  Enhanced  System)  –,  acquiring
        established in Kuala Lumpur, counts 150  integrates several latest-generation sys-  information and delivering it to the crew via
        Malaysian colleagues, which increases to  tems by Leonardo, including the ATHENA  an optimised human-machine interface. By
        almost 350, including people employed by  MK2, a naval cockpit of new generation   managing all the on-board sensors and pro-
        its joint ventures companies. Among these,  with only two operators needed to conduct   viding an optimised situational awareness
        are over 100 highly qualified engineers, spe-  ship and quick reaction operations, and the   picture to the operator, ATOS will reduce
        cialised technicians, logistic specialists  new electro-optical DSS-IRST (Distributed   crew fatigue, particularly in mundane mar-
                                                                                      itime environments.
        and training instructors, operating their ser-  Static Staring-InfraRed Search and Tracking
        vices on Leonardo AW119, AW109, AW139,  System), that protects the ship from mul-  Both the Royal Malaysian Navy and Air
        AW169, AW189, and AW159 helicopters in  tiple threats along coastal areas (Littoral)   Force have recently selected the AW139
        the ASEAN region. Leonardo has also sup-  and on the open sea (Blue Water).   helicopter, while the civilian AW189 has
        plied the Royal Malaysian Navy with naval                                     proven extremely successful in the region
        guns  such  as the  OTO 76/62  SR  Super  Amongst the company’s most recent suc-  for a range of roles including public ser-
        Rapid, light torpedoes and heavy Black  cesses in the Malaysian defence market   vices and offshore transport. Leonardo is
        Shark torpedoes. The company has pro-  was its selection by Royal Malaysian Air   also promoting the AW149 in the region.
        vided its RAT31DL and RAT31 SL/E radars  Force for supply of two new ATR 72MPA/  This multi-role military helicopter, is already
        for supporting the monitoring of Malaysia’s  ASW aircraft.  Leonardo believes that this  in-service internationally, including in South
        airspace for both civil and defence appli-  platform offers the most comprehensive  East Asia, and ready to replace ageing bat-
        cations. Leonardo has also delivered Air  and effective response to enhance maritime  tlefield helicopter fleets.

        LIMA 2023                                                                                            MAY-23-2023 9
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