Page 6 - LIMA 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 6


        FOR RMAF FA-50S

        European missile major, MBDA is partic-  visual range combat scenarios. Weighing  class of vessels. At Langkawi, MBDA is
        ipating at the ongoing LIMA with an eye   just 50kg and carried by fast jets on triple  exhibiting the latest version of this potent
        on equipping the RMAF’s new Korean     launchers, Brimstone provides a high load-  system; the VL MICA NG. This new missile
        Aerospace Industries (KAI) FA-50 fighter   out potential for light strike aircraft such as  has a new dual-pulse rocket motor and dual
        jets with its ASRAAM air combat missile and   FA-50 compared with legacy missile such  seeker options (AESA RF or Imaging IR)
        Brimstone precision strike missile. These   as AGM-65.                        allowing it to deliver the highest levels of
        new weapons would dramatically                                                       performance to protect naval ves-
        enhance the combat performance                                                       sels from emerging threats.
        of the light fighter. While the highly
        agile ASRAAM would allow the
        FA-50 to dominate in a close air                                                     MBDA  has been  a  long-standing
        combat  fight;  the  Brimstone  will                                                 partner to the Malaysian Armed
        allow it to easily engage all ground                                                 Forces for ground based air
        targets from the best protected                                                      defence with the Jernas system.
        tanks  to  moving  vehicles  and                                                     It is now proposing its next-gen-
        attack  vessels  –  all  with  a  very                                               eration GBAD system based on
        high loadout.  The ASRAAM has a                                                      the CAMM family of missiles to
        large rocket motor, and clean aero-                                                  provide  cutting-edge  layered  air
        dynamic design, giving it unrivalled                                                 defence for the Malaysian Army
        speed and resultant aerodynamic                                                      and Malaysian Air Force. These pro-
        manoeuvrability  and  range.  The                                                    vide significantly enhanced range
        missile’s high kinematic capability delivers  In the naval domain, the Royal Malaysia   and performance compared with Jernas,
        superior end-game performance for within  Navy (RMN) has already selected MBDA’s   360° all-weather coverage, and minimised
        visual range air combat and near beyond  VL MICA naval air defence system for one  support requirements.


        Turkish company STM is eyeing oppor-   STM has many ongoing projects in its  the other companies exhibiting at the event
        tunities in Southeast Asia. The company   kitty. In April this year, the Turkish Defence  are  Aselsan,  Asfat,  Dearsan,  Havelsan,
        is showcasing a range of products and   Agency (SSB) held a signing ceremony for  Koc Defense, Kale Kalip, Meteksan, and
        capabilities  at  the  ongoing  event. They   the construction of three remaining I-class   Roketsan. Meteksan, which is attending
        include Turkey’s first national corvette proj-  (Istanbul-class) frigates for the Turkish   the event for the first time, is exhibiting
        ect, MİLGEM Ada Class, the Turkey’s first   Navy. The frigates will be built by a part-  the Yakamos 2020 Hull Mounted Sonar
                                                                                      System, Ulaq Unmanned Surface Vehicle
        national frigate project, the İ Class Frigate,   nership involving STM and TAIS Shipyards.   Family, MILSAR SAR/MTI Radar, Nazar
        the Navy Fleet Tanker Project (PNFT) being   The frigates are the 6th, 7th, and 8th ships   Laser Electronic Warfare System, Pelikan
        built for the Pakistan Navy, Türkiye’s first   of the MILGEM project.         RF Guided Missile Simulator, Submarine
        small-sized national  submarine project,                                      Sonar  Systems,  and  Naval  Training
        STM500, STM-MPAC Multi-Purpose Attack   STM  is  one  of  the  eighteen  Turkish   Simulators.
        Craft, and the Coast Guard Ship CG-3100.  defense indus-
                                               try companies
        According to Özgür Güleryüz, STM General   par ticipating
        Manager, the company  has  a  presence   in the ongoing
        in more than 20 countries, from South   event under the
        America to the Far East. “Our intention is   aegis of the
        not only to showcase our products to the   Turkish Republic
        Asia-Pacific region. We are also seeking to   Pr e side nc y
        establish new collaborations in the market   Defense Industry
        with a focus on the naval platform segment.   Pr e side nc y
        We continue to express our willingness to   (SSB)  and
        transfer technologies to the region, and to   Turkish Defense
        Malaysia in particular, with a view to estab-  and Aerospace
        lishing projects that will develop domestic   I nd u stry
        industries and the region as a whole, thus   Exp o r te r s’
        contributing to the long friendly alliance   Associa tion
        and friendship of Türkiye and Malaysia.”   (SSI). Among

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