Page 4 - LIMA 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
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        Leonardo  is  eyeing  significant  growth   Also, Leonardo believes the AW149 latest  expects to expand the range of courses
        prospects for its helicopter offerings in   generation multirole medium twin engine  available. Established in 2013, the Training
        South East Asia.  The company which is   helicopter is the perfect fit to meet emerg-  Academy is currently equipped with an
        participating in the ongoing LIMA, has a   ing requirements across the region. With an  AW139 Full Flight Simulator (FFS), while
        wide range of helicopters in its portfolio,   active production line and an established  and a second AW139 and AW189 Level D
        which can undertake missions for public   market presence across geographies,  is expected to become operational by the
        utility services such as firefighting, search   including South-East Asia, the AW149 is  first months of 2024.
        and rescue and disaster relief capabilities,   the only all new military aircraft in its cat-
        as well as offshore transport missions,   egory,  leveraging  advanced  technology,   Regional Appeal
        passenger transport and government oper-  high performance in all conditions, wide
        ation. The company’s prospects in these   cabin and high payload, and is supported by  From a broader prospective of the whole
        areas are quickly growing, in addition to its   unique maintenance and training capabili-  area of South East Asia, the success of
        military helicopters which are class leading.   ties already present in the region. Also, its   Leonardo  in  the helicopter  market has
                                               high customization possibilities by design   grown further in the region, with new orders
        Leonardo has grown significantly in    allow  for  significant  collaborations  and   from Thailand and Indonesia announced
        Malaysia over the last 10 years, supplying   localization in Malaysia.        earlier this year.
        a fleet of 60 helicopters that are operational
        with military, law enforcement, search and  Strong Support
        rescue, firefighting, VIP and commercial   With a regional hub for Customer Support   SFS Aviation, a leading provider of offshore
        activities.                            and Training near Kuala Lumpur, Leonardo   helicopter services for Oil and Gas com-
                                                                                      panies in Thailand has ordered two more
                                               is the only helicopter manufacturer to have   AW139s. These aircraft are slated to be
        The Royal Malaysian Navy and the Royal  selected Malaysia as its exclusive hub for   delivered later this year and will take the
        Malaysian  Air  Force  are  the  latest  new  maintenance and support services cover-  total of AW139s operated by SFS Aviation
        AW139 operators recently selecting the  ing South East Asia and the Far East. The   to  seven.  The  Thai  helicopter  operator
        type in the country, while, looking at future  Customer Support range of solutions made   has been a long established operator of
        outlooks, the AW609 tiltrotor could rep-  available in the area from the hub includes   offshore transport-configured AW139s in
        resent  asignificant  opportunity  for  the  the aircraft maintenance (Line & Base) to   South East Asia since 2010.
        Malaysian commercial passenger transport  specific customisations, on-site trouble-
        market and other applications.         shooting and repair, full fleet management
                                               with continuous airworthiness manage-  In Indonesia, Travira Air signed a contract
        The static display at the ongoing LIMA,   ment (technical and logistic assistance)  for one more AW139 expected to be deliv-
        features an AW109 Power and an AW189   services and complete turnkey solutions.   ered in 2024 to carry out offshore transport
        of Malaysia’s Fire and Rescue Department   The hub is aimed at constantly increasing   missions. This aircraft will join a fleet of
        (Bomba), to highlight its capabilities in the   the R&O capabilities for components in   four AW139s currently operated by Travira
        helicopters public utility services such as  East Asia.                       Air, a prime helicopter operator in the region
        firefighting, search and rescue and disas-                                    and a Recognized Maintenance Centre of
        ter relief capabilities and celebrate their  Located in Kuala Lumpur, the Leonardo  Leonardo in the country. Furthermore, in
        success in the area. The AW109 Power  Training Academy, offers a range of tech-  Indonesia the success of Leonardo’s offer
        is operational with an all-new emergency  nical, logistic and training services for the  grows further with sales of an AW169 and
        medical service, which was recently estab-  AW109 series, AW169, AW139 and AW189  an AW139 VIP-configured helicopters to
        lished in Malaysia.                    helicopters for the Eastern markets and  private Indonesian customers.
        4  MAY-24-2023                                                                         WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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