P. 5


                                  TIME TO

 EDITOR’S NOTE                    TIME TO

 CREDIT              KEEP SCORE
                     KEEP SCORE
 LINE  Putting on a Show

 The 54th edition of Paris Air Show has given the perfect stage

 Editor-in-Chief   for the aerospace  and defence  industry to comprehensively
 Vittorio Rossi Prudente  prove that the pandemic is now well and truly in the rearview  mirror.  Defence  budgets  around the world are growing while
 commercial aviation and business aviation sectors are booming
 Editor  with record-breaking revenues. Supply chain-related problems
 Jay Menon  persist, but the industry has proved that it can overcome even
 greater challenges.
 Technology Editor
 Atul Chandra  Much of the attention during the ongoing Show will be on the  battle of commercial jet orders, involving Boeing, Airbus, and
 Managing Editor  Embraer. Airbus,  which  had a quiet  Farnborough Show last
 Arun Sivasankaran  year, will be keen to walk away from the Show with plenty of  headlines to its credit. The industry’s focus on sustainability is   The main story of the show is sustainability, but
 another storyline worth watching over the next few days.
 Art Director
 Sudheesh Kularmunda  commercial jet orders will dominate the headlines   Many years  down the road, historians  may look back  at  the
 current edition of the Show as the one in which the Advanced
 Web Director  Air Mobility industry truly  came of age. The number  of AAM   By Arun Sivasankaran
 Elmer Valencia  companies that are at the show, and the range of products they  are showcasing, are proof of an industry poised for takeoff.

 Director of Sales  or everything that has changed in the aerospace and  element of the ongoing show, but that is only
 Akshay Satyamurthy  “Paris Insights” is our humble attempt to try and encapsulate  some of the many story  strands  at  the world’s  biggest   defence industry in the four years since the last edition  a small element of the industry’s larger focus
 aerospace and defence tradeshow. GBP Aerospace & Defence   of the Paris Air Show, there is one thing that binds it to  on sustainability. According to a McKinsey
 Cover Image Credit  is also reporting live from the Show. We promise to bring you   F the past. Boeing and Airbus remain locked in an intense  report released during the Farnborough Air
 Dassault Aviation  the latest  news and views  from  the world of aerospace  and   perception battle, eager as always to earn bragging rights over  Show last year, one of the primary reasons
 defence, unfiltered and unbiased. Please visit   the other in terms of sales. Over the next few days, expect a  for the decline in funding for advanced air
 for the latest news from the Show.  flurry of orders, subtle one upmanship, and talk about supply  mobility (AAM) in the first half of 2022 com-
 Advertising Contacts:  chain issues and future aircraft variants.     pared to the same period in 2021, was the                                                  industry’s focus on sustainable aviation. While
 Editor  The two industry giants will, as usual, generate plenty of head-
 Europe & Americas   Global Business Press  lines, but the real story of the ongoing show lies elsewhere – in   sustainable aviation accounted for just 2 per
 and all other countries:  the number of sustainability initiatives that you will hear about.   cent of funding in the first half of 2021, the
 Global Communications sas                                             figure jumped to 23 per cent in the first half
 Tel: +39 049 723548  With the industry intent on making greener air travel a reality,   of 2022. The current week will tell us if the  expect sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), electric and hybrid electric   trend continues.
        vehicles, and hydrogen powered aviation to be major talking
 Japan  points. Keep an eye out for advanced air mobility vehicles as
 Visionworks                                                           The Contest to Watch  well – they have long ceased to be mere concepts and could be
        flying over you, if you live in a city – by the end of 2024.   Excitement over reports that Airbus is pre-
 India + South East Asia                                               paring to launch a larger version of the
 Akshay Satyamurthy  Almost every company of note that is working in the eVTOL
 Mob: +919980080246  (Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) vehicle sector is here,   110-130-seat A220 at the ongoing show has                                         died down after a company spokesperson told
        eager to make an early impact in a market that is forecast to
        grow exponentially over the next couple of decades. Some of    Reuters that there are no plans to “launch a
 Global Business Press Pte.Ltd.  them have their aircraft on display. Volocopter, which is not   new variant in the current environment.” Such
 30 Cecil Street,                                                      an aircraft is, however, part of the company’s
 #19-08 Prudential Tower, Singapore 049712  hiding its goal of its “air taxi taking to the skies first, commer-
 Tel: +65 6850 5269 | Fax: +65 6438 2436  cially, before any other UAM competitor,” is in fact demonstrating   plans, with the spokesperson confirming that
 Email: | Web:  eVTOL flights at the show using its Volocity VC200.    it was only a matter of “when and not if” the
                                                                       aircraft is introduced. The A220, acknowl-
        The eVTOL segment may well end up being the most eye-catching  edged in industry circles for its quality and
        WWW.GBP.COM.SG                                                  PARIS AIRSHOW 2023 INSIGHT ∙ JUNE 2023 | 5
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