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from 35 in April. The American powerhouse however still trails  hydrogen-electric propulsion – will also be a
        Airbus, which delivered 244 aircraft in the first five months of the  talking point at the show.
        year, compared to its 206.
                                                                       The total recovery of the industry from the
        For Embraer, Paris is a chance to consolidate the gains from  pandemic and the palpable excitement
        Farnborough where it made news by ending the Airbus-Boeing  around the show on the part of companies
        duopoly at major trade shows. The company’s Turboprop Next  and attendees have led at least one analyst to
        Generation (TPNG) Program was a big hit at the show, with letters  forecast that the number of orders could end
        of intent (LoI) for more than 250 aircraft signed with multiple  up being the highest ever. If most of the ongo-
        airlines from regions such as Europe, Africa, Latin America, North  ing discussions between plane makers and
        America and Asia-Pacific. The company plans to come out with  buyers end up being successful, as many as
        two variants of the aircraft - 70 and 90-seat versions, with a 2028  2,100 orders could be announced during the
        entry-into-service for the first model and 2029 for the second.  week, says Stuart Hatcher, chief economist at
        With the launch of the platform expected this year, one of the  IBA. The number could end up being close to
        headlines generated over the next few days is likely to be an  3,000 if all the rumors floating around about
        update from the company on the launch date and the variant that  potential orders prove to be true, he adds.
        will enter the market first. With demand surging post-pandemic
        for regional travel on short-haul routes, do not be surprised if  There will be plenty of action on the defence
        the company walks away from Paris with more orders in its bag  side as well, as the ongoing Russian aggres-
        for its proposed aircraft.                                     sion in Ukraine has prompted militaries in the
                                                                       region to increase defence spending and to
        While the enthusiastic reception from carriers to the TPNG pro-  upgrade their military capabilities. Regional
        gram is great news for the company, Embraer will be hoping that   tensions in the Asia Pacific and Middle East
        the industry-acknowledged quality of its E2 program will trans-  are acting as a catalyst for arms sales as well.
        late into more sales for the aircraft type. Expect the company to   With global military spending reaching an all-
        focus its sales pitch on the E2 at the ongoing event, with an eye   time high last year, expect several high-profile
        on securing more orders for the program. Its sustainability-fo-  deals to be announced at the show.
        cused Energia aircraft family – the company initially unveiled
        four concepts over a year ago but has since decided to initially  Vying for Attention
        focus on two 19- and 30-seater designs for hybrid-electric and
                                                                       As  many  as  154  aircraft,  including  mock-
                                                                       ups, are on display at the show, with Airbus
                                                                       bringing the largest number of aircraft to the
                                                                       event – 14. The European OEM’s list includes
                                                                       the  A321XLR,  the  A350-900,  the  A321LR,
                                                                       the A330 MRTT, five helicopters - the H-125
                                                                       ECUREUIL, the H-225 M Caracal, the H-175,
                                                                       the H-145, and the H-160 – and mock-ups of
                                                                       the EURODRONE, the VSR 700, and the H-125
                                                                       M. Close on the heels of Airbus in terms of
                                                                       the number of aircraft is the US Department
                                                                       of Defense with 13. Embraer has brought
                                                                       five aircraft - two C 390 Millennium, two E
                                                                       195-E2s, and one EMB-314E Super Tucano –
                                                                       to the show while ATR, its competitor in the
                                                                       regional jets market, is displaying two ATR
                                                                       72-600 aircraft.

                                                                       Qatar Airways, the French Ministère des
                                                                       Armées, Gulfstream, Leonardo, Dassault
                                                                       Aviation, and De Havilland are among the
                                                                       other companies that have jets on display.
                                                                       Unlike previous editions when the aircraft were
                                                                       either commercial, military or business jets,
                                                                       there are eVTOLs on display, including those
                                                                       being developed by Volocopter, VoltAero,
                                                                       Eve Air Mobility, Archer, AutoFlight, EHang,
                                                                       Lilium, Ascendance Flight Technologies and

        WWW.GBP.COM.SG                                                  PARIS AIRSHOW 2023 INSIGHT ∙ JUNE 2023 | 7
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