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        Focused on a Sustainable Future

        Paolo Graziano, president, and CEO of Italian  opportunity for all Industry players to gather in the same place
        company Magnaghi Aeronautica (MA Group),  to share information and knowledge as well as positively fuel
        is confident that 2023 has great things in  global network.
        store for the Group, notwithstanding the
        supply chain issues and other challenges the   Q  What are some of the major capabilities and products that
        aerospace industry is currently facing.       you are showcasing at the event?
        “I  expect  our  Group  to  grow  in  all    This year, we are showcasing several products related to our
        business  lines in  2023,”  said  in an      Integrated Landing Systems for next generation trainers and
        interview, Graziano said, before             fighters as well as next generation helicopters. These, including
        heading off to Paris. “Especially on         our zero-emission path, are driving our technological develop-
        products that are installed on defense       ment for current and future applications. We are displaying more
        applications and on commercial liners        electric as well as advanced materials and system configurations
        or regional aircraft.”                       at the event.

        The Group, which currently has offices in Italy,   Q  How focused is your company on sustainability? What are
        Brazil, US, and UK, is focused on growing its   some of the initiatives in that area?
        global footprint. In addition to supplying land-  Sustainability is a major goal and one of the drivers for our daily
        ing gear systems to commercial and military   activities. As I said earlier, all our products are designed taking
        aircraft, the Group has entered the fledgling   into account sustainability as a top requirement. Sustainability
        regional air mobility market as well. In July last   plays a major role in our Company processes and behavior as
        year, it was contracted for the development,   well. We have a well-defined path towards decarbonization and
        manufacture and qualification of nose and    are analyzing the consumption of every site of the Group to
        main landing gears structures for the Lilium   take the actions that are necessary to lead us towards lower
        Jet.                                         emissions.
        Here are edited excerpts from                  Q  There is growing geopolitical and economic uncertainty in
        the interview.                                the global environment. Do you see this impacting your com-

          Q  The Paris Air Show is back after a four-  pany’s business?
         year break. Does the current edition, the   The entire aerospace & defense industry is always impacted by
         first one in the post-pandemic period, hold   geopolitical and economic uncertainty. We are experiencing a
         special significance for the industry and   lot of changes in strategy by big players as well as an increase
         your company?                               in M&A and consolidation activities. These developments are in

        It surely does. Aerospace and Defense is a   one way or another impacting not only our business but also
        business that requires physical interaction   that of others. It is modifying the overall environment in which
        and is based on long-lasting relationships,   we operate.
        not only between companies but mainly          Q  Supply chain issues are one of the major problems currently
        between people. Paris Air Show is a fantastic   being faced by the aerospace and defence industry. How is
                                                      your company dealing with the challenge?
                                                     Yes, supply chain issues are indeed dramatic at the moment.
                                                     The entire industry is facing significant issues in procurement
                                                     and transformation processes. In the growth that the industry is
                                                     witnessing in the post-pandemic period, it is important to invest
                                                     in the supply chain as it has been drastically weakened both
                                                     industrially and financially by recent events. It is our biggest
                                                     challenge. Being a global issue does not make the solution any
                                                     easier to come by. Today, we are working in a crisis mode on
                                                     the supply chain. I believe we will remain operating in this mode
                                                     for quite a while.

                                                     Paolo Graziano
                                                     President & CEO of MA Group

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