Page 3 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 2
P. 3

OPAL - NEOS   Korean Air Showcases

 Interoperable. Independent. Agile.  Growing UAV Portfolio

        Korean Air is capturing the attention of  of UAVs, which includes receiving Korea’s
        visitors to the ongoing show, with the dis-  first military UAV certification in 2014 and
        play of its growing unmanned aerial vehicle  airworthiness certification for a reconnais-
        (UAV) portfolio. This includes mid-altitude  sance UAV in 2018. Korean Air also partic-
        and other types of UAVs, launchers, and  ipating in the research and development
        ground control vehicles. These are on dis-  of stealth technology and space launch
        play in the outdoor section of the show,  vehicles, which are future growth engines,   more than 5,000 Korean and U.S. military
        whereas Korean Air’s indoor exhibition hall  the official said, adding, “we plan to continue   aircraft since 1979. We plan to continue
        features a variety of platforms, including a  to lead future core technologies and serve   to lead future core technologies and serve
        multi-purpose stealth drones, low-obvious  as a driving force in the development of   as a driving force in the development of
        unmanned formation aircraft, and tactical  Korea’s aerospace and defence industries.”  Korea’s aerospace and defence industries.
        division unmanned aerial vehicles. “We plan                                    *Depot Maintenance (MRO): A top-level
        to present our vision as a comprehensive  Korean Air is leading the nation’s  domes-  maintenance concept that ensures the same
        systems company that encompasses launch  tic UAV field, which is centered around its   performance as when first shipped by com-
        vehicle and military aircraft performance im-  aerospace business division and it also   pletely disassembling each part and then
        provement projects,” a company official tells  has the largest maintenance center in the  inspecting and repairing it. In the case of
        Daily News. The company has continued  Asia-Pacific, having performed depot main-  aircraft, it refers to a series of tasks includ-
        to invest and research in the development  tenance and performance improvement of  ing maintenance, repair, and overhaul.

        Seventy and Counting: U.S. Firms Make Strong Statement

        The 70-year alliance between the United  in Asia and the western Pacific region. The
        States and the Republic of Korea is promi-  U.S. Commerce Department most recently
        nently on display at the Show where more  ranked South Korea as the 18th largest
        than 70 American companies are show-   customer for U.S. aerospace and defence
        casing products and capabilities. Fourteen  suppliers, nearing US$1.3 billion in purchas-
        U.S. military aircraft are on static display.   es in 2022 and approaching 25 percent of
        Reaffirming the strong relationship between  total annual U.S. exports there.
        the two countries, several high-level U.S.                                    sized enterprises, many of our exhibitors
        diplomatic, military, and industry leaders  The 30-plus U.S. companies participat-  already have significant partnerships and
        are in attendance.                     ing in the Pavilion, including 10 first-time   operations in South Korea. In the years to
                                               Seoul ADEX exhibitors, represent 13 states.   come, many more will.”
        The centerpiece of the U.S. national pres-  Kallman Worldwide President and CEO Tom
        ence at the event is the USA Partnership  Kallman said the strong American partici-  Among the major U.S companies at the
        Pavilion, organized for the sixth consecutive  pation in the USA Partnership Pavilion at   event are Boeing, Lockheed Martin and
        edition by Kallman Worldwide, in coordina-  Seoul ADEX 2023 reflects a global trend.  Northrop Grumman. U.S. Ambassador to
        tion with government agencies including the                                   the Republic of Korea, Philip Goldberg is
        U.S. departments of Commerce, Defence,  “Now more than ever, success in interna-  attending the Show 2023 as head of a na-
        and State.  The Pavilion helps American  tional trade comes from partnership and   tional delegation that will include General
        exhibitors to  maximize their exposure and  teamwork. The USA Partnership Pavilion   Kenneth S. Wilsbach, Commander, Pacific
        impact at the event.                   sharpens our focus on advancing America’s   Air Forces; Air Component Commander,
 Real Time Combat Proven Operational Cloud  Meet us at  national security and global trade interests   U.S. Indo-Pacific Command; and Executive
 BOOTH #C399  The U.S. has the largest international pres-  by building stronger relationships with our in-  Director, Pacific Air Combat Operations
 • Create seamless interoperability among   ence at the Show that is being held against  ternational customers,” Kallman said. “From   Staff, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam,
 diverse, multiple platforms  a backdrop of growing geo-political tension  publicly traded OEMs to small-and-medium   Hawaii.
 • Deployed and proven on air, land & sea
 • Real time dynamic joint battle picture
 • Empower customers to develop and introduce
 new capabilities independently           Editorial Director                                   Art Director
 • Introduce new capabilities without affecting    Vittorio Rossi Prudente                     Sudheesh Kularmunda
 platform's avionics infrastructure  PUBLISHED BY  Arun Sivasankaran
                                          Editorial Team •  Discover More  Jay Menon  Atul Chandra              Sales Director
                                                                                               Akshay Satyamurthy
        SEOUL ADEX 2023                                                                                  OCTOBER-18-2023 3
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