Page 6 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 2
P. 6

Israel-Hamas War Has an Impact on the Show

                                                                                      including the F-35. One aircraft will not be
                                                                                      exhibited as part of the Show but show
                                                                                      attendees will nevertheless get a fleeting
                                                                                      glimpse of it in the skies as it is set to land
                                                                                      in a South Korean air base for the first time
                                                                                      ever this week.

                                                                                      U.S. Air Force Colonel Charles Cameron said
                                                                                      that while the U.S. strategic bomber B-52
                                                                                      will not be present on the airfield, it would
                                                                                      participate in the Show in the form of “one
                                                                                      or two fly-bys.” “To commemorate the 70th
                                                                                      anniversary of South Korea’s alliance with
                                                                                      the United States, we have a lager partici-
        The shadow of the Israel-Hamas war has  The event is the largest to date, with more  pation in this edition. Our commitment to
        fallen on the ongoing Show.            companies than ever participating and a   the U.S.-ROK alliance remains ironclad,”
                                               record attendance expected. More than   he added.
        Event organizers told reporters on the eve of  450 senior defence officials and decision
        the Show that many representatives of Israeli  makers from 54 countries are attending  The venue wore a crowded look even on
        defence companies who were supposed to  the ongoing edition, Lee Jong-ho, chief of  the eve of the Show, with many eager to
        fly in for the event from Israel would not be  the organising committee, told reporters.  catch a glimpse of the exhibits that included
        attending because of the unfolding situa-  “This is an opportunity for Korea’s defence  aircraft like the F-22, FA-18G, and F-35 A
        tion in their home country. The companies  industry to draw international attention and  Freedom Knight, ground equipment such as
        would only have representatives from their  take a giant leap forward,” Lee said.  the K2 main battle tank, the KSM120 120 mm
        Korean offices at the event. Among the                                        Self Propelled Mortar, and the KAAV P7A1
        major defence firms from Israel that are at  Cheered on by an enthusiastic crowd on  (Korean Amphibious Assault Vehicle). Also
        the Show are Israel Aerospace Industries  Monday, the indigenously developed KF-21  attracting attention and showcasing Korea’s
        (IAI) Rafael Advanced Defence Systems,  made its maiden appearance in the fly-  progress in the space sector is Hanbit TLV
        and Elbit Systems.                     ing display along with several other jets,  (test Launch vehicle).

        TE Connectivity a Key Partner in Korea’s

        Defence Programmes, eVTOl Industry

        TE Connectivity, which has a sizable pres-                                    the competition. According to a company
        ence in South Korea, is showcasing a num-                                     official, while there are companies that
        ber of innovative products in power distri-                                   manufacture power switches and oth-
        bution and data transmission for various                                      ers that make cables and connectors, TE
        sectors at the ongoing Show.                                                  Connectivity has a wide spectrum of prod-
                                                                                      ucts such as power switching, wire and
        The company is involved in a variety of                                       cables, connectors, and fiber optics. The
        Korean defence and commercial pro-                                            company is also one of the few suppliers
        grammes, said Yunhee Lee, Regional Sales                                      approved on engines for Pratt&Whitney.
        Manager, South Korea, for the company’s
        Aerospace, Defence and Marine unit. “TE                                       The company has been developing space-
        Connectivity is supplying to most of Korean                                   grade connectors designed for high per-
        defence programmes since the products  more than 120 different parts enabling  formance since the 1960s.  Its products
        are mostly sub-component level,” he said.  the growth of the eVTOL and the larger ad-  support Low Earth Orobit (LEO) initiatives
        “Our products commonly used in connect-  vanced air mobility (AAM) industry. These  with space-qualified SpaceVPX, VITA, NASA,
        ing the systems We are in ground defence  parts are lightweight, helping to reduce  ESA and MIL-SPEC compliant products. The
        systems such as K-9/10 and MLRS and  the overall weight of the aircraft without  company’s products for the sector include
        also in aircraft such as the T-50, FA-50, KF-  compromising performance. Among the  micro-miniature and nano-miniature con-
        21 and LAH.”                           eVTOL manufacturers tha the company  nectors that overcome SWaP challenges to
                                               has been working with are Joby Aviation,  wire and cable that help control Electrostatic
        Apart from defence programmes and com-  Archer, Volocopter and Lilium.        Discharge (ESD). According to reports, 54
        mercial aircraft, TE Connectivity has an array                                percent of spacecraft anomalies or failures
        of products for eVTOL, launch vehicles, and  The wide spectrum of products it has  are caused by electrostatic discharging
        space.  The company currently produces  makes TE Connectivity stand out from  and charging.
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