Page 4 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 2
P. 4
Supernal, Hyundai WIA
and Mecaer Partner for
eVTOL Landing Gear
Supernal, Hyundai Motor Group’s (HMG) manufacturing process. processes that will meet future demands
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) company, of the AAM industry. The collaboration will
Hyundai WIA, a global automotive and “Our collaboration with Hyundai WIA and support the business model—and streamline
aerospace parts manufacturer and Mecaer Mecaer is a testament to Supernal’s com- manufacturing—by incorporating state-of-
Aviation Group, an Italy-based global aero- mitment to innovation and the highest stan- the-art materials and efficient assembly
nautical company, will work together to dards of safety, design and manufacturing technologies.
design and manufacture landing gear sys- for Advanced Air Mobility,” said Jaiwon Shin,
tems for electric vertical takeoff and landing president of Hyundai Motor Group and CEO “We are especially proud to announce our
(eVTOL) vehicles. of Supernal. “This partnership unites our participation in this industry-leading stra-
collective strengths and expertise to deliver tegic partnership and to have teamed with
Hyundai WIA specializes in mass manufac- aerospace-grade eVTOL landing gear in Supernal and Hyundai WIA to design, de-
turing and precision machine tools, while record time and ensure their scalability and velop and manufacture a fully integrated
Mecaer designs and builds aerospace-grade sustainability. These types of automotive wheeled landing gear for the Advanced Air
landing gear systems. The three partners and aerospace strategic alliances are key Mobility company’s eVTOL vehicle,” said
are collaborating to improve the safety and to the growth and success of our emerging Bruno Spagnolini, CEO, Mecaer. “We are
overall performance of eVTOL vehicles by industry.” extremely appreciative of the trust Supernal
addressing weight, structural efficiency, has shown in the ability of the Mecaer and
energy absorption and electronic system The partnership is critical to Supernal’s Hyundai WIA team to produce and innovate
integration in the landing gear design and efforts to pioneer high-scale production its landing gear system.”
Hensoldt Promotes MissionGrid
Sensor Network, TRML-4D Air
Defence Radar
Hensoldt, headquartered in Germany, is from multiple threats such as ballistic, RF
showcasing the MissionGrid sensor network and optically guided weapons. The system
and the TRML-4D air defence radar at the can be configured for multiple operations
Show as part of its efforts to promote its such as blue-light emergency services, coast-
range of sensor solutions. guard and border patrol, civil defence and
environmental protection, military opera-
The company’s MissionGrid is a scalable tions and intelligence gathering.
mission system that takes full advantage aircraft, and hovering helicopters.
of the feature set provided by the compa- The TRS-4D/TRML-4D Radar Family en-
ny’s radar and electro-optic sensor range. compasses the company’s latest members TRML-4D’s unique concept of simultaneous
Combined with data fusion and mission of C-Band (NATO G-Band) state-of-the-art multi-beams and Doppler processing en-
management software, MissionGrid pro- naval and ground tactical radars. The radar sures reliable performance of all operational
vides a capability increase that enables a family provides multi-functional surveillance tasks at a high update rate. It delivers excel-
single aircraft to fly multiple missions. To and target acquisition offering recognized lent performance even in complex clutter
minimise integration risk onto the aircraft, tactical pictures and weapon assignment. environments and high target densities.
Hensoldt provides the Airborne Systems
Integration Lab. The VPN-accessible facility Based on solid state Gallium Nitride Active The German company has solid roots in
replicates the complete aircraft mission Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) sensor Korea and recently formed a joint venture (JV)
system and operational environment for technology with multiple digitally formed with LIG Nex1 to market a line of persistent
verification testing, certification and syn- beams, TRML-4D is designed for near- to surveillance systems to the country and
thetic training. long-range ground to air detection and for the region. The JV, as LNZ Optronics, will
weapon assignment. It is capable of detect- market products such as the OctoEye360
MissionGrid can be expanded for aircraft ing, tracking, and classifying various types of observation system for submarines and the
operations in contested, hostile or GPS- air targets, especially small, fast, and low-fly- PANOS360 panoramic observation systems
denied airspace. This ensures protection ing and/or maneuvering cruise missiles and for surface vessels.