Page 14 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 3
P. 14

KAI’s Extensive Product Range on Show

        KF-21 Boromae is in the spotlight, but the
        fighter jet is just one of the many products
        that Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) is
        promoting at the ongoing Show.

        The company is showcasing its next gen-
        eration air combat system, the manned un-
        manned teaming (MUM-t) concept involving
        a manned aircraft and an unmanned aerial
        vehicle (UAV), its mine countermeasures
        helicopter (MCH), Marine attack helicopter
        (MAH), and the KUH-1, the multi-role utility
        helicopter. Among the other models that
        the company has displayed at the event
        is that of the proposed turbofan-powered   self-protection system.  The aircraft will  transport aircraft, Airbus A330 Multi Role
        multirole cargo aircraft (MC-X.)       be able to carry a large number of troops,  Tanker Transport (MRTT) that can undertake
                                               equipment and cargo. According to the  both air-to-air refueling and personnel/cargo
        The MC-X is expected to be a twin-engine   company, it can also be modified to perform  delivery missions, and CN-235-100/220
        aircraft with a length of about 40.3 m long,   different kinds of missions such as aerial  aircraft configured for transport missions.
        height of 13.5 m and a span of 41.1 m. Its   refueling, MUM-T, and maritime patrol.
        maximum take-off weight would be 92,000                                       Although there is no timeline for the pro-
        kg with a payload capacity of up to 30,000   The company has initiated discussions with  posed aircraft, the company is confident
        kg. It will be equipped with 30,000 lb-class   the Republic of Korea Air Force (RoKAF)  that if given the green light, it would be able
        turbofan engines that are expected to of-  to gauge the service’s future transport re-  to enter production by the early 2030s.  The
        fer a maximum speed of 926 km/h and    quirements. The service fleet of transport  chances of the  company  collaborating
        cruising range of 7,000 km. The aircraft  aircraft includes Lockheed Martin C-130H/C-  with an international industry partner also
        will be equipped with head-up display,  130H-30 and C-130J-30 turboprop tactical  cannot be ruled out.

        Lockheed Martin Highlights                                                    extended standoff range, was in the news
                                                                                      recently with Poland acquiring 34 new AN/
        Products, Korea Footprint                                                     AAQ-33 Sniper ATPs to equip its KAI-built
                                                                                      FA-50 light attack aircraft. The pods will be
                                                                                      delivered to Poland between 2024 and 2028.

        American defence major Lockheed Martin’s  powerful helicopter in the world. It is capable
        booth at the Show has models of the CH-  of hauling up to 27,000 pounds, including   The Sniper ATP is capable of handling the
        53K helicopter, its fighter jets, C-130J as well  people, equipment, and vehicles. The air-  most challenging precision targeting and
        as the Sniper advanced targeting pod (ATP).  craft can lift three times the weight of its   ISR air-to-air and air-to-ground missions in
                                               predecessor, the CH-53E.               the land, sea, and air domains. The company
        The company has also brought the CH-53K                                       has delivered more than 1,500 pods across
        demonstrator and the F-35 cockpit   demon-  Sniper, a targeting pod for military aircraft  regions, with Sniper being interoperable
        strator to the event.  Prominently displayed   that provides positive target identification,  across multiple platforms such as the F-2,
        are models of the F-16, F-35A and CH-53K.   autonomous tracking, GPS coordinate gen-  F-15, F-16, F-18, A-10, B-1, B-52 and Typhoon
                                               eration, and precise weapons guidance from  fighters.
        With  the  U.S  Navy  declaring  Full  Rate
        Production for the CH-53K programme in
        December last year, Sikorsky is expected
        to increase production to more than 20
        helicopters annually in the coming years.
        In August this year, the U.S. Navy awarded
        Sikorsky a US$2.7 billion contract to build
        and deliver 35 additional CH-53K helicop-
        ters. The agreement includes 12 U.S. Marine
        Corps Lot 7 aircraft, 15 U.S. Marine Corps
        Lot 8 aircraft, and eight aircraft for Israel.
        Company officials are confident about the
        helicopter having takers in the Asia Pacific

        With a 36,000 lb payload capacity, the CH-
        53K, which is digitally designed, is the most
        14  OCTOBER-19-2023                                                                    WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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