Page 12 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 3
P. 12
Debut for Hyundai Rotem’s
N-WAV 8x8 Armoured Vehicle
By Gordon Arthur
Hyundai Rotem currently produces three 35 tonnes still retains an amphibious capa-
variants of the 8x8 Wheeled Armored bility, with propellers mounted at the rear
Vehicle (WAV) for the Republic of Korea and a trim vane fitted at the front. In water
Army (ROKA) – a K808 APC, command post it can swim at speeds of 10km/h, including system, smoke grenade launchers, 360º
and 30mm air defence vehicle – but the in sea and surf conditions. Dimensionally, camera system, electronic periscope and
South Korean company has already turned the sizeable vehicle is 9.3m long, 3.1m wide digitised driver’s integrated display.
its attention to the WAV’s next generation. and 2.8m high.
Hyundai Rotem started the N-WAV project
Christened the N-WAV, the brand new 8x8 It features better protection than the K808 in 2021, primarily as a platform aimed at
armoured vehicle was unveiled by Hyundai WAV fielded by the ROKA, including a the export market, although it also acts as
Rotem at the ongoing event. The 30-tonne- higher ground clearance to improve mine a demonstrator for the ROKA as it contem-
class vehicle on display is a technical pro- protection. Hyundai Rotem has integrated plates the next generation after the WAV.
totype featuring an unmanned turret that the imported power pack that includes a
is armed with a 30mm cannon, a Hyundai 700hp engine and seven-speed automatic The N-WAV has a crew of three and it can
Rotem remote-controlled weapon station transmission. carry eight infantry dismounts. While some
fitted with a 12.7mm machine gun, and twin components are shared with the K808, most
antitank missile launchers mounted either The N-WAV on display had all the bells and are completely new on this prototype. A
side of the turret. whistles, even fire extinguishers for the tyres spokesman shared that its development
in case the rubber is set ablaze. There is also should be completed by mid-2024, after
The vehicle with a combat weight approaching an active protection system, laser warning which it will undergo company evaluations.
STX Engine’s Hybrid that it was collaborating with German de-
fence firm Vincorion to develop the hybrid
Engine System in engine system for next-generation combat
vehicles. Company officials had said that the
hybrid engine would improve the operational
the Limelight scope of military vehicles, this making them
a more attracting proposition.
The company established a factory for
defence purposes in 1988. Since then, it
has grown in size to become one of the
largest defence diesel engine manufactur-
ers. In May 2021, the military and marine
diesel engine manufacturer was chosen
to localize the German diesel engine of
K-9 self-propelled howitzers produced by
Hanwha Defence. The company is currently
working to develop engines for armoured
vehicles that will be fully local, including
raw materials and parts.
The company’s defence industry diesel en-
STX Engine is showing off its range of en- interest from foreign delegations as well gines are designed with a focus on being
gine systems at the Show, including a hybrid as others at the event. Making its public small, lightweight, and having high output.
engine system, a performance-enhancing debut at the event is the hybrid engine sys- The engine parts are made from aluminum
diesel engine for the K1A2 tank, a diesel tem, which is a combination of a military and high strength forged steel materials.
engine for the K9 self-propelled howitzer, equipment diesel engine hybrid system with The company manufactures and provides
and the intelligent seashore surveillance condition-based maintenance. This offers diesel engines for main battle tank, self-pro-
radar-II. improved fuel efficiency, instant accelera- pelled artillery and armored vehicles to ROK
tion, and an optimal maintenance system. Army, for destroyer, frigate, patrol vessel
According to company officials, the new and support vessel to ROK Navy, for patrol
products on display have evoked plenty of In May last year, the company had announced vessel to Korea Coast Guard as well.