Page 12 - ADAS 2024 - DAY 1
P. 12
Philippines, Vietnam Enhancing Defence Ties
The Philippines and Vietnam are expanding the Sea (UNCLOS 1982); effectively and and defence industry. To this end, there will
defence ties. Both nations underscored the fully implementing the Declaration on the be enhanced and substantive interactions
importance of further strengthening bilateral Conduct of Parties in the East Sea/West among defence and military establishments,
defence partnership between the Philippines Philippine Sea/South China Sea (DOC), and mutual capacity building.
and Vietnam through high-level exchange building a substantive, effective Code of Signing of Defence Frameworks
visits, on the sidelines of the 17th ASEAN Conduct in the East Sea/West Philippine
Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) held Sea/South China Sea (COC) in accordance The Philippines and Vietnam have now
November 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia. with international law. both inked Letters of Intent (LOI) on the
Enhancement of Cooperation in the Field of
The most recent progress was made Bilateral Defence Relations HADR at Sea and Military Medicine. The LOI
during a bilateral meeting in August be- on HADR at Sea reflects the intention of the
tween Philippine Secretary of National The Philippines and Vietnam have a shared Philippines and Viet Nam to strengthen the
Defence Gilberto C. Teodoro, Jr. and Viet commitment to deepen defence and mili- work to mitigate the impact of natural disas-
Nam Minister of National Defence General tary cooperation through continued inter- ters and other increasingly complex security
Phan Van Giang. This was the first ever visit action and engagements at all levels. This challenges at sea, and emphasizes the ma-
to the Philippines of General Phan since his dialogue has been deepened through the jor role of navies in this regard. Meanwhile,
appointment as the Minister of National Vice Ministers’ Defence Strategic Dialogue the LOI on Military Medicine acknowledges
Defence of Vietnam on 8 April, 2021. (VMDSD) and Defence Cooperation Working
Group (DCWG), which is the primary bilat- the role of militaries in cross-border public
eral defence dialogue mechanism between health surveillance and prevention of dis-
Both Ministers affirmed their commitment both nations. Both nations have agreed to ease outbreaks, and thereby manifests the
to a rules-based international order firmly explore more in-depth collaboration on mar- interest of both countries to enhance rele-
anchored on international law and the pro- itime security, cyber security, Humanitarian vant capabilities through joint research and
motion of sustainable peace, principled Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR), innovations, as well as sharing of knowledge
security, and regional stability. The Ministers military medicine, peacekeeping operations, and best practices.
noted that as strategic competition perme-
ates the global governance architecture, the
role of bridge-builders becomes increas-
ingly important in fostering cooperation
and encouraging peace built on a complex
web of interactions, rather than geopolitical
They also shared views on the need to
maintain peace, stability, ensuring security,
safety, freedom of navigation and aviation
in the East Sea/West Philippine Sea/South
China Sea. They also agreed to resolve all
disputes by peaceful means, in accordance
with international law, particularly the 1982
United Nations Convention on the Law of
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