Page 3 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 1
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...Cont’d from PG 1                    Over the past decade, the exhibition has  to Azerbaijan, the participating countries
                                               brought together numerous companies and  include the Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Czech
        “I believe that one of the primary goals for us   nearly 200 official delegations representing  Republic, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Lithuania,
        in the coming years is to further strengthen   more than 50 countries worldwide.   Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Serbia, Singapore,
        our Army and the Armed Forces...Today,                                        Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, UAE, Ukraine, UK,
        necessary steps are being taken for the   Since the early years of the ADEX exhibi-  and the U.S. Among the participating
        future development of our Armed Forces.   tion, President Aliyev has visited the event  countries, Hungary, Qatar, Singapore, and
        Necessary weapons and equipment are    and addressed its participants and guests.  Slovakia are new additions to the exhibition.
        being purchased; new armed units are be-  This is undoubtedly a testament to the
        ing set up. The number of Special Forces   high status of the exhibition and the trust  The exhibition is held at the initiative and
        has been increased several times, and the   it commands.                      with the organizational support of the
        number of soldiers in the new “Commando”                                      Ministry of Defence Industry of the Republic
        units is in the thousands, and this process   ADEX is a significant event in Azerbaijan and  of Azerbaijan and support of the Ministry of
        continues. We have created an Army that   the region, focusing on the defence industry  Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The
        – these things will be continued – no one   and security sectors. This large-scale event  organiser of the exhibition is Caspian Event
        can pick on us and even think about that in   not only features one of the largest military  Organisers, and its international partner,
        the future,” the President of the Republic of   equipment displays in the region but also  Caspian Event Management.
        Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, said in February.  demonstrates the strength and capabilities
                                               of Azerbaijan’s defence industry complex.
        “We are creating a very powerful military                                     Among the Mightiest
        and industrial complex, the first phase of   “The ADEX exhibition serves as an effec-  Azerbaijan has continuously strengthened
        which has already been completed. The   tive platform for showcasing advanced   its army, developed its military staff and
        second stage will be even more extensive.   technologies, strengthening international   enhanced its military potential.
        This year alone, at least one billion manats   cooperation, and fostering the development
        will be invested by both private and pub-  of the country’s defence industry,” said an
        lic enterprises in this, and we will provide   official.                      One of the major factors that contribute to
        ourselves with an even larger amount of                                       the strong morale of the troops is that the
        weapons and equipment, export a larger   In 2024, the scale of the ADEX and Securex   Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces,
        amount,” President Aliyev said.        Caspian exhibitions has expanded further,   President Ilham Aliyev, regularly visits mili-
                                               showcasing their growth compared to pre-  tary establishments, especially the frontline
        The inaugural ADEX exhibition took place   vious editions. Compared to the previous   areas.
        in in 2014. The biennial exhibition, which   edition, the number of exhibitors has in-
        is celebrating its 5th anniversary this year,   creased by 32 per cent.       Azerbaijan’s Army is presently one of
        has grown in strength and stature over the                                    the strongest in the region. Owing  to
        last ten years,continuously expanding its   About 270 companies from 38 countries   Commander in Chief Ilham Aliyev’s will and
        participants list and the sectors it covers   are participating in the event. In addition   support, Azerbaijan’s Army has a strong
        with each edition.                                                            logistics footing and state-of-the-art arma-
                                                                                      ments and munitions. Development of inter-
                                                                                      national relations of Azerbaijan’s Defence
                                                                                      Ministry also deserves a special mention
                                                                                      as far as the strengthening of the Army is
                                                                                      According to Global Data, the Azerbaijan
                                                                                      defence budget is set to increase, which
                                                                                      will translate to a CAGR of more than 6 per
                                                                                      cent between 2024 and 2028.
                                                                                      Azerbaijan has been consistently investing
                                                                                      in extensive military procurements from
                                                                                      Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Israel, South Korea,
                                                                                      and other countries. In addition to investing
                                                                                      in military imports, Azerbaijan is expected to
                                                                                      strengthen its focus on improving its domes-
                                                                                      tic defence production capabilities over the
                                                                                      forecast period, according to Global Data.

                                          Editorial Director       Arun Sivasankaran           Art Director
                                          Vittorio Rossi Prudente  Sudheesh Kularmunda
                                                                   Atul Chandra
                                          Editorial Team                                       Sales Director
         PUBLISHED BY                     Jay Menon                Yulian Ardiansyah           Akshay Satyamurthy
                                          Geoffrey Thomas

        AZERBAIJAN INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION 2024                                              SEPTEMBER-24-2024 3
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