Page 6 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 1
P. 6
C-27J Spartan Takes Italy-Azerbaijan
Defence Ties to New Heights
Azerbaijan and Italy have taken a major
step in their bilateral relations by starting
military-technical cooperation.
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met
Italian Defence Minister Guido Crosetto in
Baku in June this year, marking a milestone
in the history of Azerbaijan-Italy relations.
President Aliyev mentioned that “a new
chapter has been opened in bilateral rela-
tions and the two countries have already em-
barked on military-technical cooperation.”
Emphasizing that Italy has a highly de-
veloped military-technical industry, the
head of state described the delivery of the
“C-27J Spartan” military transport aircraft
to Azerbaijan Air Force as an indicator of
the high level of relations between the two
C-27J from Leonardo, a tactical transport The mutually beneficial relationship with
The Air Force unveiled the first C-27J aircraft, was finalized through a technical Italy holds a significant place in Azerbaijan’s
Spartan NG military transport aircraft in round table between the Italian Ministry of foreign policy. The two countries share
July this year. Defence and its Azeri counterpart. strong traditions of friendship and coop-
eration, with their partnership grounded in
The commercial collaboration between Italy The agreement is part of the extensive mod- mutual respect for each other’s interests.
and Azerbaijan was strengthened with the ernisation programme of the Azerbaijani
signing of the contract for the supply of the Armed Forces, which are increasingly look- During Italian Defence Minister Crosetto’s
C-27J Spartan in June, 2023. ing to the products of Italian industry. visit to Baku recently, Azerbaijan’s Minister
of Defence, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov,
The C-27J Spartan aircraft will be used for Deployed in the most challenging geograph- emphasized that relations between
military transport, airdrops of paratroopers ic, environmental and operating conditions, Azerbaijan and Italy are based on strate-
and cargo, as well as medical missions. Leonardo’s C-27J Spartan is an aircraft ca- gic partnership.
pable of executing a vast range of defence
According to Leonardo, the makers of and civil protection missions. He thanked his Italian colleague for being
C-27J, the collaboration between Italy and in Azerbaijan on the significant day of the
Azerbaijan, initially linked to the energy Extensive experience gained in operations country - Armed Forces Day and the 106th
sectors, has been now extended to defence with different air forces worldwide makes it anniversary of the establishment of the
industry products, thanks to the valuable the ideal aircraft for military transport mis- Azerbaijan Army.
contribution provided by the Italian Ministry sions, airdrops of paratroopers and materi-
of Defence working group. als, ‘last mile’ tactical troop support, special The Azerbaijan defence minister also invited
forces operations, humanitarian assistance his Italian counterpart to the 5th Azerbaijan
The programme for the purchase of the and disaster relief, according to Leonardo. International Defence Exhibition ADEX.
Both sides expressed satisfaction with
the current state of military cooperation
between Azerbaijan and Italy. The sides
exchanged views on prospects for the de-
velopment of cooperation in military, mili-
tary-technical, military-educational and other
fields, as well as on a number of issues of
common interest.
The necessity for further expansion of mili-
As part of the official visit to the Republic of Italy, First Deputy Minister of Defence tary relations between Azerbaijan and Italy
– Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army, Colonel General Karim Valiyev, based on strategic partnership was empha-
met with Guido Crosetto, Italy’s Minister of Defence. sized at the meeting.