Page 8 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 1
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Dearsan Shipyard Hopes to the company launched the second 76-me-
ter Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) for the
Build on Recent Successes Nigerian Navy; the first one was launched
in October last year.
According to company officials, Dearsan
has been steadily expanding its global foot-
print, thanks to the quality of its vessels and
competitive pricing. The FAC for the Qatar
Emiri Naval Force (QENF) will be capable of
undertaking asymmetric warfare, territorial
waters protection, antipiracy, reconnais-
sance and surveillance, search and rescue,
disaster relief and border control and base/
port security missions. The vessels will be
equipped with weapon systems for anti-sur-
face, anti-air and asymmetric warfare. First
delivery is expected in three years, while
the second will follow three months later.
Among the other Turkish companies in-
volved in the project are Havelsan, Roketsan
and Aselsan.
Riding high on recent successes in the their naval might in the light of geopolitical Established in 1980, Dearsan has since
international arena and eager to further in- tensions, the company senses a major op- undertaken the construction, fabrication,
crease its presence internationally, Türkiye’s portunity to increase its market share. repair and modification of a variety of ships.
Dearsan Shipyard is showcasing a wide Among the vessels that Dearsan is capa-
range of capabilities at ADEX-2024. In November last year, the shipyard signed ble of building are Corvette Class Ships,
a contract with the Kazakhstan govern- Multipurpose Search and Rescue Ships,12m,
The Istanbul-based company, which has ment for investment in a shipyard and ship- 15m and 17m Fast Intervention Boats,27m,
the ability to build 9 ships of various types building activities. In March this year, the 33m, 42m Attack Boats, Armed Fast Patrol
at the same time, specializes in the design company signed a contract with the Qatar Boats, Hydrographic and Oceanographic
and construction of private military ships Emiri Naval Force (QENF) for the design, Research Ship, Offshore Support Ship,
and the integration of weapon systems. building and delivery of two 50 metres Fast Offshore Patrol Ship, Mine Hunting and
With militaries globally looking to increase Attack Craft (FAC). The following month, Minesweeper, and Landing Craft.
Rosoboronexport Upbeat about Lancet-E system
Rosoboronexport JSC(part of Rostec State that once the needs of the Russian Armed
Corporation) is hardselling its recently un- Forces are met, the available production
veiled Lancet-E system. capacities will enable us to successful-
ly deliver the system abroad. In addition,
The Lancet-E system is an export version ROSOBORONEXPORT actively offers its
of the well-known Lancet loitering muni- partners cooperation in the format of license
tion system that proved effective on the and joint production on the customer’s prem-
battlefield. It consists of the Z-16-E recon- ises within the framework of technology
naissance drone and two kamikaze drones partnerships”, said Alexander Mikheev,
(loitering munitions), Item 51-E and Item Director General of Rosoboronexport.
52-E, with different characteristics, in par-
ticular, in terms of range and maximum In addition to the Lancet-E, Rosoboronexport
takeoff weight. is successfully marketing the Kub-E loitering
munition developed and manufactured by
“The presentation of the Lancet-E at Rostec’s Kalashnikov Group. The Orlan-10E,
Army 2024 marked the beginning of Orlan-30 and Orion-E reconnaissance and
Rosoboronexport’s global marketing cam- reconnaissance/strike unmanned aerial
paign for this advanced weapon system. systems are in strong demand among for-
The system demonstrated the highest ef- eign partners.
fectiveness on the battlefield and capability
to engage a wide range of targets, from any Rosoboronexport offers unmanned solu-
type of armored vehicles and fortifications tions for all domains of warfare, including
to surface targets. As a result, today the surface unmanned motor boats, unmanned
Lancet-E has great export potential, which underwater vehicles and ground robotic
we estimate at 1,000+ systems. I’m sure systems.