Page 8 - DSA 2024 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 8

SMPP Zooms in on Growing                                                      says the purchase of its products by the
                                                                                      Indian armed forces is a seal of approval for
        Requirements for Bulletproof Solutions                                        the company, which is the only Indian an-
                                                                                      ti-ballistic solutions firm to qualify its prod-
                                                                                      ucts to meet Bureau of Indian Standards
                                                                                      (BIS) requirements.

                                                                                      SMPP is divided into two verticals – the first
                                                                                      related to production of anti-ballistic solu-
                                                                                      tions and the second to the manufacture
                                                                                      of ammunition casings. The company is
                                                                                      one of few in the world to have IPR related
                                                                                      to manufacture of Boron Carbide products.
                                                                                      Sinha says the company has developed a
                                                                                      helmet that can protect against 7.62 mm
                                                                                      AK-47 rounds. “We are also setting up one
                                                                                      of India’s largest facilities for manufac-
                                                                                      turing a complete range of ammunition
                                                                                      in Himachal Pradesh.This will be spread
                                                                                      over 1000 acres of land and will be a high-
                                                                                      ly advanced and automated manufactur-
                                                                                      ing facility. Once this facility is ready, we
        SMPP Private Limited, an Indian provider  during an interaction onsite. He said SMPP  will be able to export ammunition also.
        of anti-ballistic solutions, is presenting its  is interacting with Malaysian firms and  Currently, our entire production capaci-
        range of bullet-proof armour-based solu-  Government entities to better understand  ty is being used up for the Indian armed
        tions at the ongoing show. SMPP has been  the market requirements. SMPP produces  forces.” SMPP is currently also producing
        in business for over three decades and is  a complete range of anti-ballistic solutions  shell casings for large caliber artillery shells.
        India’s largest manufacturer of anti-ballistic  like bulletproof jackets, plates, helmets and  The company has also partnered with the
        solutions. The company is eyeing emerging  shields. The company which has supplied  Indian Defence Research & Development
        requirements in Malaysia for bullet proof  the Indian Army with over 186,000 bullet-  Organisation (DRDO) for new products that
        armour, said Sinchan Sinha Sr. Manager  proof jackets, recently received a contract  meet emerging requirements of the Indian
        Global Sales (Defence Business) at SMPP  for providing 80,000 helmets as well. Sinha  armed forces.

        STM Showcases Naval Platforms and UAV Systems

        STM, a prominent player in the Turkish de-  important role in this story. We develop  (G2G) in Ukraine and Pakistan, we believe
        fence sector, is showcasing its naval plat-  innovative and modern technologies with  that we will sign important partnerships in
        forms and tactical mini-Unmanned Aerial  our qualified human resources. We also  the Asia Pacific.”
        Vehicle (UAV) systems at the ongoing DSA.  transfer our capabilities to the Turkish
                                               Armed Forces as well as to countries on   ‘Our intention is not merely to showcase
        STM is displaying models of Turkey’s Ada   different continents,” said STM General   our products to the Asia-Pacific region. We
        Class MILGEM corvette, its first national   Manager, Özgür Güleryüz.          also want to establish new collaborations
        frigate - the İstif (I) Class Frigate, the STM-                               in the market with a focus on the naval
        MPAC Multi-Purpose Attack Craft, and the  Speaking about the company’s goal in  platform segment. We continue to express
        Coast Guard Ship CG-3100. Additionally, the  Malaysia as well in the Asia-Pacific region,  our willingness to transfer technologies to
        company will introduce its STM500 small-  he said “We want to be the solution partner  the region, and to Malaysia in particular,
        sized submarine. STM is showcasing its  of Malaysia in the seas. With our experience  with a view to establishing projects that
        tactical mini UAV systems such as Turkey’s  in MİLGEM and I Class Frigates we have  will develop domestic industries and the
        first national attack UAV, the Combat Proven  built in Türkiye, and international projects  region as a whole,’ he said.
        Rotary Wing Loitering Munition System
        KARGU, and the ammunition drop UAV
        BOYGA, both actively deployed in multiple
        Furthermore, the latest addition to the
        MİLGEM Ada Class, the TCG KINALIADA
        (F-514) Corvette, will dock in Kuala Lumpur
        during its port visits as part of the Japan
        Voyage from May 13th to 15th.

        “The Turkish defence industry has been
        achieving  significant  successes  in  the
        international arena, and STM plays an

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