Page 7 - DSA 2024 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 7

Growing Weapons Portfolio Gives

        Aselsan the Edge in Malaysia

        Turkish defence firm Aselsan, which is fo-  in Malaysia as well,” the official indicated.  building. It has also started work on another
        cused on fulfilling the essential require-                                    production facility for the manufacture of
        ments of its clients in the field of defence   At the show, Aselsan is highlighting  its state  guided ammunition.
        and security, is showcasing a growing range   of theart technologies that are already in
        of defence equipment and services at theon-  use in various countries.  On display at the  Turkey’s  first  autonomous  underwater
        going show. In order to fulfill requirements   show are a wide range of systems, includ-  vehicle, DERİNGÖZ, was developed by
        of its clients in the field of defence and   ing border security systems, naval system  Aselsan. The company also developed the
        security. Malaysia is considered as a key   solutions and land platform solutions.
        market for Aselsan as it is modernising its                                   ALBATROS Kamikaze Unmanned Marine
        armed forces and eyeing the best in defence                                   Vehicle swarm. Important milestones have
        equipment and platforms.               Aselsan already has customers in more than  also been achieved for cutting-edge de-
                                               15 countries in the Asia Pacific region. The  fence systems such as the GÜRZ hybrid
                                               company is rapidly growing its portfolio of  air defence system, GÖKSUR close air de-
        “As Aselsan, we are excited to showcase
        our unique defence solutions that mainly   cutting-edge defence products to meet the  fence missile system, GÖKDEMİR missile
        focused on the needs of our end users and   needs of its customers. In 2023 alone, it  launching system and GÖKBERK mobile
        the projects that we pursue in the region”   introduced new defence systems into the  laser weapon systems. GÜRZ stands out
        a company spokesperson told Daily News.   market such as the GÖZDE guidance kit,  as an innovative air and missile defence
        Aselsan’s solutions are being successfully   SADAK national release system, KARAKURT  system that offers multiple interceptor ca-
        used by several countries in the region such   reconnaissance and targeting systems,  pabilities against very low and low altitude
        as Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.  YARASA HF electronic support system and  air threats. GÖKSUR can perform air and
        “In this regard, we would like to preserve  AYI HF electronic attack system. Aselsan  missile defence missions against a threat
        our sustainable growth. We also remain de-  recently commissioned a new avionics pro-  set including anti-ship missiles, armed/
        termined to further increase our activities  duction facility and has also completed  unarmed unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise
        in order to gradually increase our presence  its AESA radar integration and production  missiles, warplanes and helicopters.

        DSA 2024                                                                                             MAY-07-2024 7
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