Page 28 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 28
Havelsan Targets Future Battlefields with Digital Troops
counter threats both above and below the
The defence technology company is also
highlighting its military aviation training pro-
grams as well as C4ISR solutions. Among
the solutions for military aviation training
is the AVELSAN Sniper Simulator, shoot-
ing simulator, the Joint Terminal Attack
Controller (JTAC) Simulator, vertical wind
simulator, and the parachute simulator.
Türkiye’s Havelsan, which has leveraged a single centre in the battlefield, enabling
new age technologies such as artificial joint operations. Key components of the The Sniper Simulator helps snipers to under-
intelligence (AI), robotics, and augmented company’s innovative concept, which can be go scenario-based training in a controlled
reality (AR) to introduce innovative solutions used to ensure border security as well, are environment, helping to refine skills related
for the modern battlefield, is promoting its its Unmanned Aerial Vehicle system BAHA, to distance estimation and wind correction
Digital Troops concept at the ongoing show. unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) BARKAN, training without the risks associated with
and SANCAR, an unmanned surface vehicle live fire. The Vertical Wind Simulator is
Digital Troops, a vision of unmanned sys- (AUSV). designed to aid trainees in acquiring spe-
tems and soldiers working together in bat- cific skills and practice free fall with full
tlefields, has caught on in recent years with With its ability to perform long-term mis- equipment such as weapons, night vision
the introduction of modern technologies. sions at high altitudes, BAHA will scan vast glasses, oxygen masks, and luggage con-
With the information received from the dig- areas and instantly detect enemy move- tainers. The parachute simulator provides a
ital troops in the battlefield, the command ments. BARKAN can be deployed for a comprehensive virtual reality environment
centre will be able to make the management wide range of tasks, ranging from logistics where parachute jumpers can experience
of the battlefield and strategic decisions in support to direct combat missions. Playing manoeuvring training, malfunction training,
this field more accurately. The AI-powered a key role in maritime and coastal security. and parachute dynamics without the inher-
autonomous systems are managed from SANCAR can autonomously detect and ent risks of real-world jumps.
signing ceremonies held as part of SAHA
Expo will be accessible through the Digital
Companies unable to attend the fair but
looking for collaboration opportunities will,
thanks to DAMISE, be able to access po-
tential partners digitally for up to one year
after the fair, creating new opportunities for
possible collaborations. This allows com-
panies to easily reach sector stakeholders
globally, enhancing their international brand
awareness, market potential, and exports.
DAMISE Digital Showcase Provides The digital exhibition space is available in
both English and Turkish. This enables na-
Global Reach for Companies tional and international participants to easily
access and participate in physical, online,
and hybrid fair events with just one click.
Defence companies attending the ongoing supporting their exports by providing access Through DAMISE, participant companies
SAHA Expo edition have a chance to reach to international markets for their products can promote their products and services,
a wider global audience, and even link up and services. as well as any event announcements and
with potential partners for possible collabo- publications, whether online or offline, to the
rations, thanks to DAMISE Bilişim Hizmetleri Even if not present on site, companies that international market. Companies featured
A.Ş. (DAMISE). are members of DAMISE can explore the on the platform will be able to display and
products and services of SAHA Expo par- continuously update their products and ser-
DAMISE is a next-generation search engine ticipant companies, communicate directly vices with all technical details (compliance
developed to strengthen the global presence via messaging on the platform, and obtain with standards, technical specifications,
of key and subsidiary stakeholders in the detailed information. Videos, live broad- certifications, test reports, user manuals,
aerospace, defence, and maritime sectors, casts, panels, seminars, and cooperation etc.).