Page 27 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
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have either signed a deal for the drone or   “There are many military drones   customers is Azerbaijan; in February this
        expressed interest.                                                           year, Baykar inaugurated a training facility
                                               in the market, but it is hard to       and maintenance hangar for its Akinci.
        International  interest  in  the  drone  has  find one that can match TB2’s  In March, the company announced that
        soared following its starring role in many   track record of being com-       it would integrate Roketsan MAM-L and
        recent or ongoing conflicts. So success-                                      MAM-T guided bombs onto the combat
        ful was Ukraine in using the TB2 against   bat proven in all regions and      drone.
        Russian tanks and military installations  in different types of weather
        during the early days of the ongoing conflict   conditions,” the official added.   Get Ready for TB3
        that the military drone has a whole folk song
        – aptly named Bayraktar – dedicated to it.   “Apart from Ukraine, the drone   The Turkish defence giant expects to com-
        The UCAV, which can conduct Intelligence,   has been successfully used in     mence full mass production of the Bayraktar
        Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and                                     TB3 drone, an UCAV that is designed to
        armed attack missions, is capable of fully   places like Syria, Azerbaijan, and  operate from short-runway aircraft carri-
        autonomous taxiing, take-off, landing and  Libya. The TB2 has a maximum       ers, such as the TCG Anadolu, this year.

        cruise. The drone has a maximum endur-  endurance of over 24 hours. Its       Besides reconnaissance/surveillance and
        ance of more than 24 hours.                                                   intelligence missions, the TB3 can launch
                                               diesel engine uses only 10 litres  an assault operation with smart munitions
                                               per hour.”                             stationed under its wings. The drone, which
        “It is the most popular combat                                                has foldable wings that enable use on air-
        UAV in the world; it is a rockstar,”   One of the standout features of the TB2 is   craft carriers, can be operated from remote
        a company official told GBP Aerospace &   that all its avionics are produced in-house.   distances thanks to its Line-Of-Sight and
        Defence at DIMDEX 2024, earlier this year.   The ammunition for the drone is supplied   Beyond-Line-Of-Sight  communications
        “It is combat proven and cost          by fellow Turkish companies.

        effective. Until now, we have  Akinci Makes History                           The TB3’s first flight took place on October
        sold almost 600 TB2 drones to          However, it is not the TB2 but the Akinci,   27 last year and signalling its intent to woo
                                                                                      the international market with the drone,
        34 countries.”                         which  entered  service  with  the Turkish   Baykar showcased it earlier this year at
                                                                                      the  Unmanned  Systems  Exhibition  and
                                                                                      Conference (UMEX) in the UAE. In May this
                                                                                      year, the TB3 – which has a length of 8.35
                                                                                      meters and a wingspan of 14 meters - set a
                                                                                      new altitude record by reaching 33,000 feet
                                                                                      during a high-altitude performance test. The
                                                                                      drone was powered by the domestically de-
                                                                                      veloped PD-170 engine produced by TUSAS
                                                                                      Engine Industries Inc. (TEI).

                                                                                      Considerably larger than the TB2, the TB3
                                                                                      has a maximum take-off weight of 1,450
                                                                                      kilograms, compared to the TB2’s 700 kilo-
                                                                                      grams. The UCAV has a payload capacity
                                                                                      of up to 280 kilograms and is capable of a
                                                                                      maximum speed of 160 knots (300 km/h)
                                                                                      and a cruise speed of 125 knots (232 km/h).
                                                                                      The TB3, which has an operational range of
                                                                                      1,000 knots (1,900 km), is equipped with six
                                                                                      hardpoints for various laser-guided muni-
        The Tactical Armed / UAV System con-   armed forces on August 2021, that has   tions and features advanced avionics.
        sists  of  Bayraktar  TB2  Armed  /  UAV  fetched the company its biggest order in
        Platform, Ground Control Station, Ground  terms of size.  In August last year, Türkiye   In  April  last  year,  Baykar  unveiled  the
        Data Terminal, Remote Display Terminal,  and Saudi Arabia signed an US$3 billion   Kemankes (Kagem) kamikaze drone, with
        Advanced Base with Generator and Trailer  agreement by which Baykar would produce   an operational range of over 200 km, for
        modules. Cashing in on the surging interna-  the Akinci in Saudi Arabia, while Aselsan and   use against strategic targets. The winged
        tional interest for TB2, Baykar announced in  Roketsan would localize production of the   loitering munition, which can be deployed
        2022 that it intends to set up a manufactur-  drone’s sensors and weapons. Akinci UAVs,   by drones such as the Akinci and TB2, is
        ing plant in Ukraine for the TB2. In February  which can be used in air-to-ground and air-  capable of flying at least an hour in the air
        this year, the company announced that  to-air attack missions, will be operated by   and is fitting with a turbojet engine. The
        construction of the facility had commenced  both the Royal Saudi Air Force and Royal   kamikaze drone, which can carry a payload
        and would finish in 12 months. The factory,  Saudi Navy.                      of 6 kilograms and has a laser rangefinder
        near Kyiv, is expected to employ around                                       with a range of 2.8 kilometres, can also
        500 people.                            Among  the  drone’s  other  international   perform an autonomous flight.

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