Page 24 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 24

FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş.

         Now Under Full Control of Nurol Holding

        Nurol Holding will acquire the 49 percent
        of shares held by BAE Systems in FNSS
        Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş., securing full own-
        ership of the renowned Turkish defence
        company. FNSS is a globally recognized
        land systems company that specializes
        in designing and producing wheeled and
        tracked armoured combat vehicles as well
        as combat engineering vehicles, turrets and
        sustainability solutions.

        As the majority shareholder with 51 percent
        of this long-standing partnership for several
        decades, Nurol Holding will become the
        100 percent owner of FNSS. This strategic
        acquisition is poised to bolster FNSS’s inno-
        vative capabilities, expand its reach in both
        local and international defence markets and
        support enhanced financial growth. FNSS
        announced the landmark agreement that
        underscores a long-standing partnership
        and mutual respect, last week.

        FNSS CEO Kadir Nail Kurt, shared, “With
        Nurol Holding’s comprehensive
        support and the synergy cre-           frequent communication. FNSS leadership  trends well into the 21st century. FNSS has
        ated within the group, FNSS is         will actively engage stakeholders, ensuring  delivered thousands of armoured combat
                                               the core values of trust and excellence  vehicles worldwide.
        well-positioned to continue to  remain at the forefront while maintaining
        achieve ongoing success based          FNSS’s position as a key player in the global  Nurol Holding also extended its sincere
        on innovation and sustainability.      defence market.                        gratitude to BAE Systems for its goodwill
                                                                                      and contribution throughout 35-years of
        With its new structure under  FNSS has been highly regarded as a joint  partnership. FNSS, Nurol Holding and BAE
        100 percent ownership of Nurol         venture for over 35 years, that has earned  Systems affirm their commitment to main-
        Holding, FNSS will continue to         the reputation of being a globally trusted and  taining their long-standing spirit of cooper-
                                               respected Turkish defence company. FNSS’s  ation, which has been a hallmark of their
        fulfil all its regulatory, contrac-    robust vehicle and turret portfolio, including  partnership.
        tual, and financial obligations        its flagship brands such as KAPLAN, PARS,
                                               OTTER, MAV, ACVAD, SABER and TEBER,  NUROL Holding was founded in 1989 under
        and responsibilities.” Nurol Holding  among others, will remain intact, continu-  the management of brothers Nurettin, Erol,
        has stated that it committed to FNSS’s  ing to thrive under their FNSS identity. Full  and M. Oğuz ÇARMIK. The Çarmıklı Family is
        enduring corporate structure and culture,  ownership by Nurol Holding will align FNSS  the owner of one of Türkiye’s leading groups.
        promising no foreseeable changes to its  with a unified strategic vision in concert  Through its more than 40 subsidiaries and
        field of activity, mission, or business strat-  with the strategic goals of the Presidency  affiliates, NUROL Holding A.Ş. which is
        egies. Instead, drawing on Nurol’s extensive  of Defence Industries (SSB) and Nurol’s  headquartered in Ankara operates both do-
        industry experience and resources, FNSS  long-term objectives, allowing for stream-  mestically and internationally in numerous
        is set to achieve greater heights under its  lined operations and concentrated growth  industries, including construction and con-
        full ownership.                        efforts. FNSS rolled-out its first vehicle in  tracting, defence, mining, real estate invest-
                                               1990 and since then, the company has  ment, finance, tourism, energy, trade, and
        The recently agreed acquisition is now   continuously improved its vehicle design  services. As of December 31, 2022, NUROL
        under  approval  process  by  the Turkish   and production capabilities in line with the  Holding’s consolidated assets amounted to
        Competition Authority. The acquisition will   requirements of its users. FNSS’ KAPLAN  TRY 79.1 billion, while the group’s revenue
        be official after this final approval process.   class tracked armoured product family and  was approximately TRY 26.8 billion as of
        Throughout the approval process, Nurol   PARS wheeled armoured vehicles are poised  the same date, and the target for 2023 is
        Holding will maintain transparency and   to shape new generation combat vehicle  planned as TRY 37.2 billion.

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