Page 4 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 4


            Yaşar GÜLER, Minister

            of National Defence of Türkiye

        In recent years, we have been going through  Throughout these challenging times, Türkiye  world, have been successfully engaged in
        an unprecedented era rife with political,  has succeeded in expanding its sphere of  its growing missions and responsibilities in
        military, economic and social transforma-  influence globally thanks to our Honorable  such an environment where our Nation has
        tions across the globe and around Türkiye  President’s bold actions with his strategic  further advanced its standing.
        in particular.                         foresight and powerful leadership in defence
                                               and security areas. Our Nation, with the  In this respect, our heroic army has been
        In such a critical period when tensions   military and diplomatic steps and an active  performing its counter-terrorism operations
        have been regionally and globally rising   role it has undertaken on both regional and  within our country and beyond our borders
        and conflicts have been increasingly turn-  global scale, has reinforced its position as  with the utmost resolution and determina-
        ing into wars, the extent of instability and   a critical actor on the world stage.                tion at an ascending level. Especially, our
        uncertainty is getting more alarming. This                                    army has inflicted heavy losses on terrorist
        makes defence and security issues much  Meanwhile, Our Turkish Armed Forces, as  groups pursuing futile efforts to create a
        more vital as never before.            one of the most powerful armies in the  terrorist corridor along our southern borders

         4  OCTOBER-22-2024                                                                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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