Page 5 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
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with its large-scale and comprehensive Besides these aircraft, our unmanned com- This success in defence industry is an out-
operations aimed at destroying such a cor- bat aerial systems, Kızılelma and Anka-3, come of the projection of our field expe-
ridor. With these operations performed in which have currently been developed, will riences into the production development
line with the strategy to eliminate terrorism contribute to our efforts to lead future war- processes and close cooperation in the
at its source, our National Armed Forces fighting applications. industry.
have strengthened our national security and
contributed greatly to the maintenance of Indeed, our achievements in the field of The maintenance of such synergy is es-
the regional stability as well. defence industry are not only limited to sential for a sustainable local and national
aerial vehicles. defence industry ecosystem. We will spare
In addition to positive and promising out- no effort to move forward this synergy by
comes of these counter-terrorism opera- Türkiye has significantly increased its na- working in close collaboration with our
tions, our national security along our borders tional production capabilities in land, mar- public institutions, foundations, private
has been safeguarded at the highest level itime and aerial systems with its recent companies and universities.
and smuggling activities have been thwarted initiatives; and has recorded remarkable
with the effective and enhanced security progress in building a self-sufficient defence In this regard, international defence exhi-
measures that we take. Such measures industry with the projects related to the bitions are also another important pillar
are exemplary for many other countries as production and modernization of corvettes of the defence industry ecosystem. SAHA
well. Turkish maritime control has been en- and national war ships including ALTAY EXPO, Türkiye’s International Defence
hanced with our intense efforts to maintain Main Battle Tank, GÖKBEY helicopter and and Aerospace Exhibition, contributes
peace, security and stability in the Aegean, MİLGEM project. Furthermore, we have also to this sector by undertaking significant
Mediterranean and Black Seas. advanced in some critical defence projects responsibilities.
such as long-range air defence systems
(SİPER), missile technologies and electronic Such activities act as a strategic meeting
It is mandatory for us to remain a developed warfare systems. platform that not only introduces techno-
country in all fields with powerful armed logical innovations to sectoral stakeholders
forces to maintain our national survival and but also offers strong cooperation opportu-
interests in a region of high geostrategic As another important initiative in defence nities to them. These exhibitions hold a key
importance. industry, our national projects aimed at
improving Turkish maritime presence role to promote Turkish defence industry
have become prominent. Corvettes pro- productions to the international market, to
In this context, the importance of national duced within the framework of MİLGEM enlarge export potential and also to discover
security and domestic and national defence Project have contributed to the power of new markets.
industry, which is an inseparable part of the our National Maritime Forces while our
former, is rising. submarine defence capabilities have been Besides, organizations such as SAHA EXPO
further enhanced thanks to the MİLDEN enable local and national corporations from
Our “National Technology Initiative,” which Project, which is a National Submarine proj- the sector to meet with key global partners
we have started and assigned a particular ect. İ-class frigates and other maritime and to develop joint projects, and thus to
focus to, is essential in terms of both our defence systems have increased Türkiye’s have more voice in global defence market.
national sovereignty and independence and strategic influence in seas and have a key
also geopolitical and strategic situation of role in our efforts to preserve regional sta- These events may help to better keep up
our country. bility. At this point, we particularly should with the sectoral dynamics, to assess the
underscore TCG Anadolu, which serves as latest developments in technology and in-
a flag ship of our National Maritime Forces novation areas and also to step up compet-
Our growth in defence industry has not
only enabled our national security but also with its advanced capabilities. itiveness within the industry.
let us enjoy a huge accomplishment on a
global scale. We can also mention the ongoing develop- These kind of opportunities which allow
ment of our national production capacity our national companies active in the fields
for ammunition and missile technologies of defence and aerospace to become more
Thanks to the large-scale projects which as another important achievement that visible globally have an important place in
have lately been completed via local and Türkiye has scored in defence industry. the international defence industry strategies
national initiatives, our country has become Our missile systems, which are increasingly of Türkiye.
a key actor in the field of defence industry. improved day after day, are an important
component of the strength of our national On this occasion, I hope SAHA EXPO
Our unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and defence industry. Moreover, reinforcing our 2024, Türkiye’s International Defence and
unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAVs) air defence systems with national produc- Aerospace Industry Exhibition, which is
notably, Bayraktar TB-2, Akıncı, Anka and tion attempts has greatly contributed to the among the major events of the region in
Aksungur, which are now all world-renowned air space protection capability of Türkiye. defence and aerospace industry, will be ex-
systems, have become a source of pride for ecuted successfully, and I thank and extend
us with their outstanding achievements in Türkiye meets its defence requirements my best regards to those who work hard and
operation fields. Due to their strategic ad- thanks to these accomplishments and wel- contribute to this magnificent exhibition.
vantages in fields, these aircraft are globally comes any opportunities to cooperate with
demanded and many countries utilize them other friendly and allied nations in sharing Yaşar GÜLER
in their national defence capabilities. these technologies as well. Minister of National Defence of Türkiye
SAHA EXPO 2024 OCTOBER-22-2024 5