Page 6 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 6


                                  “SAHA EXPO 2024 will

                  Showcase the Domestic Production

                                Potential of our Country”

                     - Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün, President of the Defence Industry Agency of Türkiye

        We are working hard with all of our stake-  providing production capabilities that are not  SAHA EXPO 2024 is an important plat-
        holders in our ecosystem to develop our  available in our country, ensuring that our  form where main platform manufacturers,
        country’s defence industry with indigenous  universities and industry work in sync, and  suppliers and companies that produce for
        and national systems and technologies.  providing collective support to the search  the defence, maritime, aviation and space
        Clusters play an important role in these  for foreign markets, provides great added  industries, and companies that want to take
        efforts. We consider our clusters as an  value to our defence industry.       part as suppliers in these sectors come
        important institutional mechanism that en-                                    together. The event, which showcases the
        ables communication between actors in the  SAHA EXPO, which has been organised by  domestic production potential of our coun-
        sector, and we support clusters focused  SAHA Istanbul since 2018, grew by 50%  try, will also make significant contributions
        on the defence industry in line with our  at the square meter, 112% at the exhibitor  to the National Technology Move.
        fully independent defence industry targets.  level, and 226% at the visitor level in the last
        Through Defence Industry Clusters, we aim  exhibition in 2022 compared to the previous   I hope that SAHA EXPO 2024 will be com-
        to create cooperation and unity of power in  one. In parallel with the growing rates, we ex-  pleted successfully on behalf of our country
        our sector, increase the competitiveness of  pect more than 500 official and commercial   and our industry, I wish all participants to
        member companies, and create an import-  delegations and more than 150,000 visitors   have a productive exhibition, and I congrat-
        ant synergy by encouraging domestic and  this year in the exhibition area, which has   ulate all stakeholders who contributed to
        national production.                   been increased to 90,000 square metres   the organisation, especially SAHA Istanbul
                                               for more than 1,200 companies. The cyber   Defence and Aerospace Cluster.
        Established with the mission of improving  security and artificial intelligence pavilions
        the technological and sectoral competen-  and public participation days, which will be   We are excited about SAHA EXPO 2024, one
        cies of its members and creating a strong  opened for the first time this year, will sup-  of the brand events of our country. We look
        ecosystem  by  supporting  cooperation,  port the further strengthening of the event.   forward to meetings with many international
        SAHA İstanbul Defence and Aerospace  The high-level meetings to be held will lead   delegations.
        Cluster is the largest industrial cluster in  to new formations and unions, and the new
        Türkiye and Europe. SAHA Istanbul, which  agreements to be signed will reinforce our
        carries out its activities with the aim of  leverage role in the economy.     See you in Istanbul...

         6  OCTOBER-22-2024                                                                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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