Page 16 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 2
P. 16

ANKA-III UCAV Strikes Target

        with Aselsan’s Tolun Guided Munition

        Turkish Aerospace which is developing
        the ANKA-III Unmanned Combat Aerial
        Vehicle (UCAV) and Aselsan have success-
        fully completed an important milestone
        related to weapons integration. Just pri-
        or to the commencement of SAHA Expo,
        Turkish Aerospace announced that a Tolun
        Precision  Guided  Munition  (PGM)  fired
        from an ANKA-III had successfully struck
        a target. According to Turkish Aerospace,
        the ANKA-III achieved the direct hit on the
        target from 20,000 feet at a speed of 180
        knots. Aselsan’s Tolun is an integrated GPS/
        INS guided munition that can be launched
        from an air platform via a Multi-Carrier-Shell
        (MTS) and used against hard and soft land
        targets. It has a range of 102 km and the
        warhead can drill through 1 meter of rein-
        forced concrete.

        “We proved our local and na-
        tional power once again with a
        task that required high sensitiv-
        ity. We will continue to take our
        technology to the top with de-
        termination and perseverance,”
        Dr Mehmet Demiroğlu, General Manager,
        Turkish Aerospace said.                 “We watched this special mo- some additional fine-tuning of
                                               ment that took place in Konya  various aspects of the platform
                                               Karapınar online from Istanbul  and then we will look to start
                                               Teknopark. I heartily congratu- series production.” He added, “We
                                               late the entire team. To many          are looking to have at least two flying pro-

                                               more successes!” Prof. Dr. Haluk       totypes, maybe more depending on the
                                                                                      need. The trials could take six months to
                                               Görgün, President of the Defence Industry   a year. There is interest in the programme
                                               Agency (SSB), said.
                                                                                      from potential export customers, but it is
                                               The ANKA-III UCAV successfully complet-  still too early to talk about exports.
                                               ed its maiden flight in December 2023
                                               and according to Dr Mehmet Demiroğlu,  The ANKA-III UCAV has lower radar visibility
                                               “The Anka III is being designed        thanks to its flying-wing configuration, the
                                               primarily to meet the needs of         high speed provided by the turbofan engine,
                                                                                      and the high carrying capacity of the inter-
                                               the Turkish Air Force. We are  nal stations, will significantly strengthen
                                               pretty much where we want to           the country’s defence. The stealth drone is
                                               be in terms of the programme           designed to operate at 40,000 feet, reach a

                                               schedule, in fact, I would say         speed of Mach 0.7, and stay airborne for up
                                                                                      to 10 hours, with a take-off weight of approx-
                                               we are ahead of schedule. We  imately seven tonne. The ANKA-III builds on
                                               require to perform some flight         Turkish Aerospace’s engineering expertise
                Dr Mehmet Demiroğlu,           testing along with the air force,      and over 250,000 hours of flight experience
                                                                                      gained with ANKA and Aksungur.
          General Manager, Turkish Aerospace

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