Page 11 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 2
P. 11

The company plans to increase the mar-
                                                                                      ket share of ADVENT and expand into
                                                                                      new markets. “Particularly in regions like
                                                                                      Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa,
                                                                                      ADVENT is positioned as an ideal solution
                                                                                      for countries looking to modernize their
                                                                                      naval forces,” the official added.

                                                                                      A Virtual Powerhouse

                                                                                      Among the unique features of ADVENT are
        Havelsan Confident About Finding More Takers                                  its scalable architecture, which makes it
                                                                                      capable of being deployed on a wide range
        for ADVENT Combat Management System                                           of platforms, from patrol boats to frigates,
                                                                                      and global compatibility. The system is de-
        Havelsan is showcasing the ADVENT  Türkiye’s defence capabilities.  “We are  veloped in compliance with NATO and other
        Combat Management System (CMS), which  equipping all floating, diving, flying, and  international defence standards. Because
        has been selected by Türkiye and a number  land-based platforms of our Naval Forces  of its modular structure, the system can be
        of other countries to modernize their naval  with the ADVENT Combat Management  customized to meet the needs of different
        forces.                                System,” he said.                      countries with its flexible design. The sys-
                                                                                      tem is equipped with advanced cyberse-
        ADVENT is a comprehensive network-sup-  ADVENT plays a key role in Türkiye’s Blue  curity measures to prioritize data security
        ported solution that enhances the operation-  Homeland defence strategy that aims to pro-  during operational processes.
        al effectiveness of naval forces. Developed  tect the country’s sovereignty and interests
        in collaboration with the Turkish Naval  at sea, said a Havelsan official. “With its   ADVENT’s technical architecture includes
        Forces Research Center Command, the sys-  real-time information-sharing and effective   several critical features that set it apart
        tem transforms the individual capabilities of  coordination capabilities, the Turkish Navy   globally, a company official said. Its ad-
        naval platforms into an integrated combat  can maintain a stronger and more effective   vanced data integration, decision support
        force as an advanced network-supported  presence in the seas.”                mechanisms, and real-time situational
        combat management system. This equips                                         awareness capabilities allow ADVENT to
        naval forces with the ability to respond  Export Potential                    deliver superior performance in naval war-
        quickly and effectively.
                                               In addition to Türkiye, navies from coun-  fare. The system’s network-supported op-

        Key Cog in the Wheel                   tries like Pakistan, Indonesia, Ukraine, and  erational capabilities enable real-time data
                                               Nigeria have chosen ADVENT to enhance  exchange among various platforms, such
        According to President Recep  Tayyip  their deterrence and operational capabilities.  as ships, submarines, and aircraft, thereby
        Erdoğan, integrating ADVENT across all  The most recent international customer  maximizing situational awareness on the
        naval platforms will significantly enhance  was Malaysia.                     battlefield.

        Limelight on AFSAT’s TF-2000 Air Defence Ship

        ASFAT is displaying the latest iteration of                                   air defence, the vessel will also be capable
        Türkiye’s first indigenous Anti-Air Warfare                                   of ASuW and land attack missions, as it will
        Destroyer TF-2000 at the ongoing SAHA                                         be equipped with vertical-launch ATMACA
        Expo 2024, just weeks after officially begin-                                 anti-ship missiles. The use of the GEZGİN
        ning construction of the vessel. The com-                                     long-range cruise missile, which is capable
        pany will build the TF-2000 air defence de-                                   of attacking and destroying strategic targets
        stroyer at the Istanbul Shipyard Command,                                     in the enemy mainland, gives its offensive
                                                                                      capabilities added tooth.
        The display of the design will give show
        attendees a chance to learn about TF-2000’s                                   Design efforts of the warship began as early
        published design changes. The air defence                                     as in 2017. With a length of 149 meters,
        destroyer, which has been conceived as   domestic defence industry, will serve as a   width of 21.3 meters and a displacement of
        one that is capable of protecting against   key platform for regional air defence. It will   8,300 tons, the TF-2000 is capable of reach-
        high-speed, long-range missile threats, is de-  be equipped with state-of-the-art sensor   ing speeds of over 26 knots. It has a draft
        signed by the Turkish Navy’s Design Project   systems, including the Aselsan-designed   of 5.75 meters. Its 96-cell vertical launch
        Office. While the TF-2000′s primary aim is   phased array radar system (ÇAFRAD) that   system (MİDLAS) significantly enhances its
        to detect and destroy guided missiles, the   will provide surveillance over a 300 km ra-  firepower. The vessel also features robust
        ship will be capable of destroying ballistic   dius. The warship will be outfitted with the   anti-submarine capabilities. The ship, which
        missiles as well.                      choicest of indigenously-made weapons,
                                               including the Siper and Hisar air defence   is designed for 130-150 crew members, will
        The TF-2000, which is a stellar example  missiles. The ship also features a Levent   have an estimated range of 5,000 nautical
        of the growing capabilities of Türkiye’s  point defence missile system. Apart from   miles at 18 knots.

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