Page 8 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 2
P. 8

FNSS PARS Alpha 8x8 with

              TEBER II 30/40 RCT Breaks Cover

        The leading Turkish land systems firm,  Explosive Devices (IEDs, Kinetic Energy  PARS Alpha 8x8 New Generation Armoured
        FNSS is displaying its PARS Alpha 8x8 New  (KE) threats and artillery projectiles. The  Fighting Vehicle features a revolutionized
        Generation Armoured Fighting Vehicle fitted  crew and dismounts are kept safe through  structural design by situating the crew and
        with a TEBER II 30/40 Remote Controlled  blast attenuation seats, and positioning the  dismounts behind the power pack com-
        Turret (RCT). Also being showcased at the  driver and commander above the second  partment. With its compact powerpack
        ongoing SAHA Expo is FNSS’ Marine Assault  axle behind the power pack compartment.  design, commander and driver are able to
        Vehicle, which is in service with Turkish  This provides substantially enhanced crew  sit side-by-side. This new layout approach
        Naval Forces.                          safety against very high-level of threats   enables 180°+ real time optical situational
                                               from all around the vehicle. This The PARS   awareness for both occupants.
        The PARS Alpha 8x8 is available with the   Alpha 8x8 design also affords unique KE
        displayed TEBER-II 30/40 remote-controlled   ballistic protection especially at the vehicles
        turret (RCT) which is fitted with 30mm dual   frontal arc. Its hydro-pneumatic suspension   Its adaptable structural design and vehi-
        feed automatic cannon. The 30mm cannon   system with adjustable ride height control   cle silhouette enables best in class low-
        can be replaced with a 40mm barrel, by   can increase mine protection by surpassing   er-profile while maintaining an extensive
        only changing the recoil spring and forward   a ground clearance of 60cm on demand. A   internal volume with open architecture.
        feeder. This convertible weapon of choice   gunshot detection system, laser warning,   This also enhances crew safety during long
        enables the user to upgrade its firepower   soft-kill and hard-kill active protection sys-  distance drives without opening top hatches
        with minimum effort, when and wherever   tems can also be integrated based on user   at hostile territories. Subsequently it also
        required.  A 7.62mm chain gun or MAG   requirements.                          ensures eye contact and improved coor-
        machine gun can be coaxially mounted                                          dination between the vehicle crew and the
        aligned with the main gun.                                                    dismounts. In addition to its unique optical
                                               The PARS Alpha 8x8 features a state-of-
        The TEBER-II 30/40 RCT fitted on the PARS   the-art platform design and an innovative   field of view, the vehicle is equipped with
                                                                                      displays and integrated 360-degree situ-
        Alpha 8x8 can also be adapted to make use   8x8 all-wheel-drive, ride-height control and   ational awareness cameras that provide
        of various modern anti-armour systems   all-axle steering system which provides
        such as Semi-automatic command to line   outstanding mobility on any surface. Cross-  both day and night vision for crew and
        of sight (SACLOS) and Automatic command   country agility is further aided by the hy-  dismounts. The next-generation armoured
        to line of sight (ACLOS) guided missile   dro-pneumatic suspension with adjustable   vehicle also offers superior performance
        types.  The on-board Fire Control System   ride height, while urban warfare operations   and reliability with the ability to cover 5000
        (FCS) supports two ready to fire Anti-Tank   are aided by turning radius optimized for  km of cross-country and on tarmac driving,
                                                                                      without any need for field maintenance.
        Guided Missiles (ATGM), which have an   confined spaces.
        effective range beyond 4km’s. A high ele-
        vation and low depression 7.62 or 5.56mm
        independent Overhead Remote-Controlled
        Weapon System (ORCWS) is situated on
        top of the turret. Its high elevation is used
        against threats on high grounds on urban
        environment (building, roofs, etc.) as well
        as encountering drones approaching from
        top angles. The ORCWS also doubles up
        as the commander’s independent sight for
        hunter killer capabilities.

        Both the turret and RCWS have been de-
        signed to engage multiple targets simul-
        taneously from all directions. The TEBER-
        II 30/40 RCT offers target tracking and
        two-axis stabilisation that allows firing on
        the move. Besides TEBER-II 30/40 RCT, the
        PARS Alpha 8x8 can be fitted with various
        types of manned or remote-control turrets
        up to 120mm direct/indirect guns or weap-
        on systems, 120mm mortars, air defence
        systems and anti-armour systems.

        The PARS Alpha 8x8 features exception-
        al protection against mines, Improvised

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