Page 11 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 3
P. 11

Baykar’s Drone Displays Include                                               The Baykar BG-160 Electro-Optical System
                                                                                      and its thermal imaging capability helps the
        Tactical UAV Bayraktar Kalkan                                                 VTOL to capture high-resolution images at
                                                                                      night. The indigenous VTOL, which has a
                                                                                      wingspan of 5 metres and is 1.9 metre long,
                                                                                      can successfully carry out reconnaissance,
                                                                                      surveillance and target detection tasks day
                                                                                      and night.

                                                                                      Kalkan is powered by 4 electric motors
                                                                                      and 1 low -consumption indigenous petrol
                                                                                      engine. The VTOL takes off vertically with
                                                                                      its electric motors and proceeds to use its
                                                                                      petrol engine exclusively in the cruise flight
                                                                                      mode. The aircraft can remain airborne for
                                                                                      more than seven hours. Capable of vertical
                                                                                      take-off and landing, the indigenous VTOL
                                                                                      does not require a runway and can seam-
                                                                                      lessly perform mission flights in base areas
        Bayraktar Kalkan VTOL, developed indige-  to the company, the VTOL has a service  and on floating platforms.
        nously by Turkish defence company Baykar,  ceiling of 14,000 feet and an operational
        is on display at the company’s booth.  In  altitude of 8,000 feet. The payload capac-  The drone, unveiled in April this year when
        April this year, the company announced  ity is 3 kg while its endurance is 6 hours.  Selçuk Bayraktar, the company’s Deputy
        that the drone had successfully completed  Kalkan’s cruise and maximum speeds are  General Manager in Charge of Technology,
        a series of system identification tests during  50 KTAS and 65 KTAS respectively.   shared footage of its test flight, took part
        its 24th flight.                                                              in the Ephesus Military Exercise earlier
                                               Capable of automatic route tracking, tar-  this year, a biennial exercise of the Turkish
        The Mini Tactical UAV class aircraft, which  get tracking, circling and returning home,   Armed Forces that also involves military
        has the ability to participate in reconnais-  Kalkan performed its flight test with the   units from various allied countries. Kalkan
        sance and surveillance missions, climbed to  Baykar BG-160 camera, which has also been   is expected to enter mass production by
        14.500 feet during the test flight. According  developed indigenously by the company.     the end of the year.

        Türkiye Eager to Push Forward with Steel Dome Project

        Just months after Türkiye announced plans
        for the “Steel Dome Project,” an indigenous
        multilayered air defence system that would
        provide a protective shield over large areas
        of land, major companies involved with the
        project have initiated steps to kickstart the
        major program.
        A US$1 billion cooperation agreement
        would be made with groups comprising
        the country’s indigenous defence indus-
        try manufacturers for the project, Aselsan
        General Manager Ahmet Akyol said during
        the ongoing event. The plan is to integrate
        air defence and protection systems that  TÜBITAK Defense Industries Research and  this, Roketsan, Aselsan and other subcon-
        homegrown companies have developed  Development Institute (SAGE); and Machine  tractor companies are working together.
        separately over the years and use them  and Chemical Industry (MKE), which produc-  When the system integrations become
        together as a cohesive network-centric and  es small arms, artillery and ammunition, all  flawless, the steel dome will also become
        AI-supported shield. The planned introduc-  play a key role in the project.   flawless.”
        tion of the system assumes key importance
        because of increasing geopolitical tensions   “The Steel Dome is essentially a system  The project will integrate multiple layers of
        in the Middle East and ongoing conflicts in   where munitions communicate with each  domestic air defence systems, sensors, and
        the region.                            other. We have already developed many air  weapons under a unified network structure.
                                               defence systems,” said Roketsan Chairman  Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün, Secretary of Defence
        Aselsan, defence electronics manufac-  of the Board Prof. Dr. Faruk Yiğit. “In order  Industries of Türkiye, is optimistic about the
        turer, is leading the development of the  for the Steel Dome to work uniquely and  Steel Dome project being highly beneficial
        Steel Dome. Roketsan, manufacturer of  usefully, the system components must be  for Türkiye, enhancing both its national
        unguided rockets and guided missiles,  able to work in an integrated manner. For  security and technological standing.

        SAHA EXPO 2024                                                                                   OCTOBER-24-2024 11
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