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configuration. As we look at what   and below the floor. That actually   is one example of a specific area of
        is required from a passenger count   becomes what sizes the wing – the   exploration.
        and range perspective, and as we    depth for passengers and crew, the
        think about the potential for a family   chord length that is then driven by   We’re working across the board on
        of airplanes (as we always do),     the depth to create an airfoil that   many technologies that at some
        cabin width will be one of the things   works, and the span that results to   point, will converge and that inter-
        we will consider.  It’s much too    get aerodynamic benefit from the    section will allow the creation of an
        early at this stage to start narrowing  aspect ratio. At the end of all that,   airplane with unique capabilities
        down our choices as we explore      you have a really big airplane, with   and a step function improvement in
        market needs and our options for    a really big wing, that wants to fly   sustainability. These technologies
        serving those needs.                high and far. And frankly, that’s   aren’t ready today. But we’re work-
                                            not the market of interest for our   ing to get them there and so are our
        Q Is there a suitable engine can-   demonstrator study, which is more   suppliers, to make sure that when
        didate for the production version?   in the traditional single-aisle space.   the time is right, we’ll have all the
        CFM GTF candidates?                                                     right improvements we need. It’s a
                                            It is also really difficult from a design   great time to be in product develop-
        Learning about propulsion system    and manufacturing standpoint to     ment, and an exciting time to be an
        integration with this unique configu-  create bigger and smaller versions   engineer with the opportunity to be
        ration is one of the multiple aspects   of the base airplane, because you   a part of the early days of matur-
        of this demonstrator programme.     can’t simply stretch or shrink the   ing the technologies that will once
        We’ll learn a lot about the integra-  fuselage. Much of the value we    again allow our industry to take a
        tion of engines, nacelles, struts   create for our customers is in a    generational step forward.
        and their interaction with wings and   family of airplanes that provides
        fuselages. It’s too soon to make a   payload and range flexibility. That’s   (As a side note - greener isn’t
        call about suitability of any engine   difficult to do with a BWB config-  a term we really use at Boeing
        technology solution – we’re keep-   urations. Returning to the thought   because it doesn’t provide enough
        ing an open mind and will let the   of the right tool for the job – there   context for the improvements being
        learnings of this demonstrator and   are jobs where a BWB could be the   made. We have to approach this
        other work with multiple engine     right tool – I think of certain cargo,   challenge with an engineering
        companies be our guide. But I do    transport or refuelling missions    mindset. Marketing teams and
        think it’s fair to say that improve-  where it could be the right tool for   advertising teams can use terms
                                                                                like greener but I’m an engineer at
        ments to engine technology over     the job. I’m just not convinced that   heart – I want facts and data.)
        what we have today will be one      it solves the problems of airlines
        of the necessary contributors to    who look to families of airplanes to   Q Other Boeing programmes with
        the improvement of up to 30%        provide the flexibility their missions   potential growth are the 787 and
        that we are targeting for this set of   demand.                         777-8/9 family. Can you give us
        technologies.                                                           some context around opportuni-
                                            Q What other greener opportuni-
        Q Another area of experi-           ties are there in future designs?   ties into the next decade?
        mentation has been the BWB                                              Just as we’ve done with all of our
        – is anything happening in that     I mentioned earlier that the X-66   airplane families since the dawn of
        space?                              programme will advance our col-     the jet age, we’ll continue to intro-
                                            lective knowledge in a number of    duce incremental improvements
        The Blended-Wing-Body config-       areas. Many of those things, such   across our product lines. This year
        uration is always a fan favourite,   as advanced materials, new control   is going to be particularly inter-
        because it has such a unique        laws and novel structural archi-    esting on the 777-9 as we move
        appearance – it looks like the      tectures, are also being explored   through the flight test programme.
        future. And as a configuration, it is   through other means to fully round   Everything we are seeing is telling
        one of the tools in our toolbox.  But   out our knowledge. In addition,   us this airplane is going to continue
        you always have to pick the right   we continue to study things like    the proud legacy of the 777 for
        tool for the job. In a BWB configu-  the role of electric power in avia-  decades and decades to come. Our
        ration, the passengers are basically   tion, hybrid-electric architectures,   twin-aisle airplanes are preferred
        sitting inside the wing, and the flight   alternate fuel sources or energy   by travellers around the world. It’s a
        attendants have to be able to stand   carriers, unducted engines and    better flying experience and it keeps
        and work in that wing. With struc-  advanced automation or autonomy.    getting better. And they make really
        ture and systems above the ceiling   Clearly our relationship with Wisk   great freighters!.

        WWW.GBP.COM.SG                                                     SINGAPORE AIRSHOW 2024 INSIGHT ∙ FEBRUARY 2024  23
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