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‘full-body environmental testing’ 2026, while development of the KF-21 programme. According to the
at the Korean Agency for Defence Block II variant has begun but is official, Indonesia is considered as
Development’s Haemi Test Site expected to get underway in ear- an important partner for defence
to verify normal operation of the nest in 2027. KAI will upgrade the cooperation by KAI and the Korean
aircraft in extreme environments KF-21 with an internal weapons Government. Indonesia was the
(low temperature/high temperature/ bay only on the Block III variant, first international customer for KAI’s
rainfall/icing). This is scheduled which will require a significant KT-1 basic trainer aircraft, TA-50
to be completed by February this amount of rework and testing. “We advanced jet trainer and first devel-
year. Aerial refueling tests and air- have already incorporated a lot of opmental partner for the KF-21
to-air missile launch tests are also advanced technologies and brand- with a commitment to buy a certain
expected to take place this year. new technologies on the KF-21 and number of aircraft.
have plans to integrate new and
According to the KAI official, the emerging technologies as well. That
KF-21 is performing far better than is why we claim that KF-21 can
expected in flight testing, exceeding easily be built as a 5th gen fighter Commenting on the type’s export
the airframer’s initial expectations. and in future a 6th gen fighter.” As prospects, the official said KAI was
He added that the performance compared to other 4.5 gen aircraft receiving a lot of interest from coun-
of the aircraft is much better than in service today, they have been tries including Philippines, Poland
other 4.5 gen fighter aircraft cur- built on legacy and have certain and Saudi Arabia. Commenting
rently available in the market. KAI limits, even though there have been on accelerated deliveries for a
is presently focusing on the Block huge developments in avionics, the new export customer, he said KAI
I variant of the KF-21, which will platform itself is limited in what can had originally planned to prioritize
have only air-to-air capability, the be added, the official added. domestic deliveries of the KF-21 to
follow-on KF-21 Block II will have the ROKAF, following which it would
the full performance envelop of the look at export deliveries. However,
fighter and include air-to-ground International Interest he said, should the Korean
capability. Government and the ROKAF
While Indonesia’s partnership with decide to offer some of their aircraft
Flight testing of KF-21 Block I South Korea on the KAI has been on order for export, then the pro-
flight test protypes is expected to fraught by payment delays, it is duction line could cater for domestic
and export sales..
conclude by November-December still considered a key partner in the