Page 3 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 1 | GBP
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and surveillance and reconnaissance
                                                                                equipment. The planned procurements
 GBP AEROSPACE & DEFENCE IN                                                     are most evident with the Vietnam Air
                                                                                Force, which has opted to modernise
                                                                                its basic aircraft training (T-6C Texan
 GBP Aerospace & Defence is taking a giant stride forward in 2025,              II) and advanced jet trainer fleet (Aero
 marking a change in direction in its 33rd year of publishing                   L-39 NG) before proceeding with fight-
                                                                                er class replacements. The air force’s
 industry-leading aerospace & defence titles.                                   most advanced fighter jets, Russian
                                                                                built Sukhoi SU-30 MK2Vs, were pro-
                                                                                cured only about a decade ago. It also
                                                                                acquired Air Defence (AD) systems from
                                                                                Russia between 2003-2010. Vietnam is
                                                                                also said to be eyeing the procurement
                                                                                of F-16 fighter jets and C-130 transport
                                                                                aircraft, which again emphasise the
                                                                                procurement of platforms which are af-
                         Show Worthy                                            fordable to procure, operate and sustain.

        Nearly 200 companies from close to 30  Vietnam’s defence expenditure will grow   Vietnam-USA defence relations have
                                                                                gone from strength to strength since
        countries are displaying their wares at  to approximately US$8.5 billion by 2027.   2016, when the latter lifted its arms
        Gia Lam Airport, where 100,000 sq.m  Vietnam was ranked amongst the top   embargo. From FY 2016 to FY 2021,
        of exhibition space is divided into three  six arms importers in the APAC region   the United States authorized the per-
        sections. Some of the main exhibi-  during 2010-2022, alongwith India,   manent export of US$29.8 million in
        tors are from the USA, France, China,  China, Australia, South Korea and Japan.   defense articles to Vietnam via Direct
        Japan, South Korea and India. Vietnam’s  The country was also ranked fifteenth   Commercial Sales (DCS), related to Fire
        Ministry of National Defence is also  on the list of top arms importers in the   Control / Night Vision (US$25.5 million),
        commemorating the 80th founding  world between the years 2010 and 2022.  Electronics (US$1.8 million), Firearms
        anniversary of the Vietnam People’s                                     and related articles (US$777,592). Other
        Army (VPA) and the 35th anniversary                                     key equipment transferred by the USA,
        of the All-people’s National Defence   Planned Procurement              include the transfer, refurbishment, and
        Day this year.
 Our respected industry title ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY   At the present moment, Vietnam is  sustained maintenance of two former
 will receive a new editorial direction and transition to   International defence cooperation is a   following  a  carefully  selected  mili-  U.S. Coast Guard cutters under the
 WORLD DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY. This marks an important shift for   key linchpin of Vietnam’s military mod-  tary modernisation effort. Some  of  Excess Defence Articles programme
 the publication, which will now provide a comprehensive overview   ernisation programme, with defence   these procurements are related to in-  to the Vietnam Coast Guard, T-6 trainer
 of global defence technologies, as opposed to its previous focus   equipment being sourced from several   creased demand for naval combatants,  aircraft, ScanEagle UAS, and purchase
 on the Indo-Pacific region.  nations. Vietnam was able to afford   aerial defence, intelligence systems,  of MetalShark patrol boats.
        some of the largest increases in mil-
 The year also marks the launch of AVIATION 2050, a new publication  itary expenditures in Southeast Asia
 focussed on topics such as sustainability, advanced air mobility, and   between 2003 and 2018, as per infor-
 New age aviation propulsion. AVIATION 2050 will initially be made   mation from the Stockholm International
 available as an insert inside our industry leading publication   Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The
 ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE.  15 year period witnessed Vietnam’s
        defence spending grow from US$ 841
 GBP DAILY NEWS, the most successful aerospace and defence   million in 2003 to US$ 5.5 billion in 2018,
 show daily in the Asia Pacific region, will expand to also cover trade   an increase of approximately 700%.
 shows in regions such as the Americas, Europe and Africa.  Vietnam’s military expenditure, recorded
        at US$5.5 billion in 2018, was 8.1% of
        total government spending and 2.3%
        of its GDP. Various informed market
 As before, you can expect the highest editorial standards and insightful coverage of the most important   intelligence reports have stated that
 global developments in the aerospace & defence sector. We look forward to supporting the global
 aerospace & defence industry in greater detail than ever before.

 Contact Vittorio Rossi Prudente, CEO & Publisher,
 Global Business Press, to know more.
                                      Editorial Director     Arun Sivasankaran        Art Director
 Email:  Vittorio Rossi Prudente  Sudheesh Kularmunda
 Phone:  +39 335 6119295  PUBLISHED BY                       Atul Chandra   
 Website:              Editorial Team  Sales Director
                                      Jay Menon              Yulian Ardiansyah        Akshay Satyamurthy

        VIET NAM INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXPO 2024                                              DECEMBER-19-2024 3
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