Page 4 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 1 | GBP
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...Cont’d from PG 1
                                            training. The airplane is entirely built in  rigors of a military training environment.
        The civilian version of the TP-150 is also   aluminium 2024T3 and 6061T6 and is  It is powered by a proven 150hp air/
        sold by Flying Legends.             coated with a durable epoxy primer to  water cooled engine that is reliable and
                                            guarantee the protection of the structure  economical, while a turbine powered
        As per the company, the availability of  throughout its lifecycle.      version is under development.
        a kit staged design provides an option
        not found to date in military training   The TP-150 is available with fixed or  The TP-150 is available to customers as
        aircraft. A quick build version developed   retractable landing gear, as also high  an experimental aircraft in two versions:
        for the experimental market can be used   performance propellers, auxiliary wing  the first is suitable for initial training
        to train military maintenance personnel   tanks, a parachute recovery system,  and has fixed landing gear and may be
        to assemble the aircraft, thus further   additional hard points and custom avi-  fitted with either a fixed or variable –
        reducing acquisition and maintenance   onics. The trainer aircraft can operate  pitch propeller. The second variant is
        costs. The Dominican Republic Air Force   effectively from a variety of runway sur-  ideal for advanced training and features
        already uses the TP-150 (called DULUS ).   faces, including grass, gravel, concrete  retractable landing gear and a variable –
        The Flying Legend TP-150 is a basic   or asphalt and the +6/-3g load factor  pitch propeller. The TP-150 FG with fixed
        military trainer modelled on the highly   airplane is designed to withstand the  landing gear includes basic double in-
        successful Brazilian Embraer Tucano                                     strument panels for forward and aft pilot
        312 high performance training and air-                                  including Dynon EFIS, analogue instru-
        to-ground support aircraft.                                             ments, radio, transponder, ELT, autopilot
                                                                                (2-axis servos) and may be equipped
         The TP-150 is exemplified by its low                                   with various IFR Avionics Systems de-
        acquisition and maintenance costs and                                   pending on customer requirements. The
        the  concept of affordable and durable                                  TP-150 RG is equipped with retractable
        military basic training was born from the                               landing gear, a variable-pitch propeller,
        efforts of two Italian entrepreneurs in                                 and double instrument panels (forward
        2010. The aircraft features an aluminum                                 and aft pilot) including Dynon EFIS, ana-
        airframe and its extra strength landing                                 logical instruments, radio, transponder,
        gear allows it to undertake military pilot                              and ELT.

                                                                                Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is the
                                                                                first export customer and the only user
                                                                                of the Indo-Russian BrahMos superson-
                                                                                ic cruise missile system in the region.
                                                                                It is understood that the version that
                                                                                Philippines has differs from India in
                                                                                having two missiles per launcher as
                                                                                compared to the three for the latter.
                                                                                The induction of the BrahMos will enor-
                                                                                mously increase Vietnam’s capability
                                                                                to undertake missile strikes in various
                                                                                environments. Much of the operating
                                                                                infrastructure is already compatible
                                                                                with equipment in-service in Vietnam.

           BrahMos Keen on Vietnamese Buy                                       The Indian Air Force (IAF) is currently
                                                                                the sole operator of the air-launched
        Indian supersonic cruise missile manu-  and air-to-sea configurations. Vietnam   version of BrahMos, which is integrated
        facturer BrahMos Aerospace is continu-  is said to have expressed interest in   on its Sukhoi SU-30 MKI fighter jets. If
        ing to pursue Vietnamese interest in the   the air-launched and coastal defence   acquired in its coastal-defence version,
        Mach 3 capable cruise missile. BrahMos   versions of the BrahMos. At the recently   the BrahMos missile along with its as-
        is exhibiting the various missile family at   concluded Bali Airshow in September,   sociated systems can ensure real-time
        the ongoing show. The BrahMos missile   Maj. Gen. Bui Thien Thau, Commander   monitoring, detection and tracking of
        is considered superior to some of most   of Air Defence-Air Force and Deputy   potential targets in Exclusive Economic
        current subsonic missiles in the world in   Chief of Staff of Air Defence-Air Force,   Zones (EEZ), and their swift engage-
        terms of velocity (> 3 times), flight range   Ministry of National Defence, was ap-  ment from beyond radar horizon ranges.
        (> 2.5 – 3 times), seeker range (> 3 – 4   prised about the different variants of the   The naval variant of the BrahMos is
        times) and kill energy by nine times.   formidable supersonic missile.   the Indian Navy’s primary weapon for
        A BrahMos missile, depending on its                                     maritime strike operations and is fitted
        configuration, can carry a conventional  The first batch of BrahMos supersonic  onboard various frontline warships. The
        warhead weighing between 200 – 300  cruise missiles and their launchers were  system is capable of hitting land or sea
        kg. The multi-role BrahMos has been op-  delivered to the Philippines in April this  targets from extended ranges with pin-
        erationalized in land-to-land, land-to-sea,  year onboard an Indian Air Force (IAF)  point accuracy at supersonic speeds.
        sea-to-coast, coast-to-sea, air-to-land  C-17 heavylift transporter. The Armed

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