Page 7 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 1 | GBP
P. 7
ASELSAN’s Assertion in Air Defence
As air defence challenges grow more strategic defence requirements, ensur-
complex, the ability to defend a coun- HİSAR ing they are essential for any coun-
try’s air space has become increasingly try looking to bolster its air defence
important. ASELSAN, Türkiye’s leading capabilities.
defence company, provides solutions
in this field to the armies of the world, KORKUT: Mobile Air Defence
especially the Turkish Armed Forces, for Modern Warfare
by producing complete systems that
include the three cornerstones of a Specifically designed for mechanized
complete air defence system; which and mobile units, KORKUT Self Propelled
are weapons, sensors and command Air Defence Gun System offers a highly
control. effective solution for protecting troops
ASELSAN, with almost 30 years of ex- on the move. In modern warfare, where
perience in air defence, continues the mobility is crucial, KORKUT provides
design, development and production of rapid, reliable air defence in dynamic
various air defence weapon systems threats and coordinating with higher combat situations. System has firing
that can be integrated into land, sea command structures. on the move capability with the stabi-
and air platforms. It also carries out lized and unmanned gun turret. KORKUT
the modernization of the air defence HİSAR-O, on the other hand, is designed Gun System has capability of firing 35
systems available in the Armed Forces’ for defending critical infrastructure and mm Airburst Ammunition in addition to
inventory in line with current needs. fixed military installations. This system conventional type 35 mm ammunitions.
It can use various caliber weapons, has an enhanced capability to protect KORKUT Gun System–together with
launch missiles and/or rockets within against a range of threats, including 35 mm Airburst Ammunition- highly
the scope of air defence projects such fighter jets, helicopters, UAVs, and improves the effectiveness of ground-
as KORKUT Self-Propelled Air Defence cruise missiles. HİSAR-O allows for based air defence against modern air
Weapon System and HİSAR Low/ efficient deployment in various combat threats including air-to-ground missiles,
Medium Altitude Air Defence Missile scenarios and combines infrared (IIR) cruise missiles and UAVs.
System. and radar-guided missiles to track and Its recently launched version, equipped
intercept multiple targets. It offers pre- with 25mm airburst ammunition, is pri-
HİSAR: A Versatile Air Defence cise targeting and highly accurate threat marily designed against armored land
Solution neutralization as it facilitates effective targets, making it an ideal solution
mission planning and coordinated de-
ASELSAN’s HİSAR family consists of fence operations. for integration onto tactical vehicles.
KORKUT 25 mm stands out with its
two key variants: HİSAR-A, an auton- integrability on different land vehicles
omous short-range air defence mis- Together, HİSAR-A and HİSAR-O sys-
tems form a comprehensive air defence such as 4x4, 6x6, and 8x8 wheeled or
sile system, and the HİSAR-O, a medi-
um-range air defence missile system. solution that meets both battlefield and tracked platforms.
HİSAR-A system offers an interception
range of 15 km, while HİSAR-O extends
this range to 25 km. Both systems are
engineered to protect against a variety
of aerial threats, from fighter aircraft
and helicopters to cruise missiles and
UAVs. With both mobile and stationary
configurations, HİSAR systems provide
exceptional flexibility in deployment,
allowing them to be adapted for a wide
range of tactical situations.
HİSAR-A system is designed to protect
mobile units, neutralizing low-altitude
aerial threats such as fixed-wing air-
craft, rotary-wing aircraft, UAVs, and
air-to-surface missiles. HİSAR-A system
can distinguish between friendly and
hostile targets and perform efficiently
in both day and night operations and
adverse weather. It is capable of engag-
ing multiple targets simultaneously, an KORKUT
advantage in scenarios with multiple