Page 29 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 29


       flight delays and reducing travel dis-
          Honeywell’s  SmartPath  Ground
       Based  Augmentation  System  (GBAS)
       technology  also  plays  an  important
       part in reducing overall congestion at
       airports through the use of advanced
       GPS tracking, allowing pilots to land
       more  efficiently  during  high-traffic
       periods. With SmarthPath technology,
       pilots have the ability to fly either com-
       plex  or  straight-in  approaches  to  an
       airport, giving them the option to ma-
       noeuvre around any potential delays
       more efficiently compared to standard
       instrument  landing  systems.  This  is
       crucial in minimising delays and in-
       creasing the safety of the passengers  record  of  helping  airlines  in  Asia  Pa-  As a global leader in ATM technolo-
       - not to mention it also saves fuel and  cific improve the safety, reliability, and   gy and modernization, Honeywell has
       additional costs for the airline.    cost-effectiveness  of  their  air  traffic   a  record  of  helping  customers  meet
                                            systems for more than 75 years.     their challenges by making air traffic
       What will be the benefits in terms of                                    systems safer, more reliable and more
       efficiency and safety? What will the   Can you give an idea of what is hap-  cost-effective.    Currently  Honeywell
       cost savings be?                     pening in terms of your partnership  is an active member of FAA NextGen
                                            with  China’s  ATM  system,  and  how  and  the  only  US-based  member  of
       Honeywell has developed a number of   that might benefit Chinese air traffic  SESAR.    Our  partnership  with  AVIC
       advanced aviation safety products. One   management?                     will bring these technologies and sys-
       of  the  most  notable  is  the  Enhanced                                tems expertise to the aviation industry
       Ground  Proximity  Warning  System   In the past 30 years, China has seen a  in China.
       (EGPWS),  which  has  significantly  re-  100-fold increase in air passenger traf-
       duced the number of Controlled Flight   fic.  The  existing  ATM  infrastructure   What are you doing in Asia in terms
       Into  Terrain  (CFIT)  incidents.  Honey-  has  reached  the  limit  of  its  capacity,   of  aftermarket  support  for  your  air
       well  has  also  helped  reduce  runway   and Honeywell is working with Chi-  navigation products?
       incursions and excursions, which cost   na  to  increase  this,  thereby  avoiding
       the airline industry US $1 billion annu-  widespread  flight  delays,  especially   Honeywell’s  customized  aftermarket
       ally. SmartRunway and SmartLanding   between high traffic airports and dur-  solutions include providing engineer-
       help improve pilots’ situational aware-  ing  high  traffic  periods  like  the  Chi-  ing expertise, maintenance, and sup-
       ness both on the ground and in the air   nese New Year.                  port  resources  that  help  customers
       by  providing  timely  aural  advisories   Last  year,  Honeywell  signed  an   improve reliability, efficiency and ser-
       that advises them of their position dur-  agreement  with  AVIC  in  China  to   viceability. Our aftermarket solutions
       ing taxi, take-off, final approach, land-  drive developments in air traffic man-  also  help  customers  manage  mainte-
       ing and rollout.                     agement capabilities.               nance  spending  by  offering  scale  to
          The  SmartPath  technology  solution   Per the MOU, Honeywell and AVIC   their operations.
       that  I  mentioned  earlier  can  save  air-  will use their respective strengths in   We  have  established  Honeywell
       ports up to US $500,000 per system a   ATM  to  cooperate  on  establishing  a   avionics  facilities  in  Penang,  Malay-
       year over traditional Instrument Land-  joint  ATM  laboratory,  the  first  of  its   sia; Bintan, Indonesia; Subic Bay, Phil-
       ing  Systems.  And  Honeywell’s  fuel-  kind  in  China.  The  ATM  laboratory   ippines; and Shanghai, China.  These
       saving auxiliary power unit (APU) also   will be focused on studying and driv-  facilities  are  focused  on  maintaining
       reduces  fuel  consumption  for  aircraft   ing  developments  in  ATM  in  China.   operational  excellence  via  the  Hon-
       by up to five percent which, in turn, re-  This  includes  research  and  develop-  eywell  Operating  System  (HOS),  a
       duces emissions and total cost of own-  ment projects, as well as joint studies   system  built  on  Lean  and  Six  Sigma
       ership over the lifespan of the APU.   on ATM in China which will help de-  foundations that drives improvement
          Through  all of these products and   fine  requirements  for  manufacturers   in safety, quality, delivery, cost and in-
       features,  Honeywell  has  built  a  solid   and operators.              ventory.

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