Page 28 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 28


       Peak Challenge                                                           Industry-wide  there  are  many  tech-
                                                                                nological innovations that address air
                                                                                traffic  congestion.    Honeywell  offers
                                                                                multiple  solutions  that  both  reduces
                                                                                congestion at airports and in the air,
       Briand Greer, President, Honeywell Aerospace, Asia Pacific               and  ensures  more  efficient  and  safer
       looks at the issue of peak season traffic and its effects on the         flights in adverse conditions.
       region’s air navigation systems                                            Next generation Flight Management
                                                                                Systems enable flight crews to compute
                                                                                the  most  efficient  flight  profiles  and
       Can you give some idea, and if pos-  the increase in passenger traffic.   automatically navigate the aircraft to
       sible  figures,  on  the  scale  of  the   Beyond peak periods, there is tre-  follow the best routes. Advanced sat-
       ‘peak’ challenge in Asia? Where are  mendous  air  travel  growth  across  ellite technology (ADS-B) is helping to
       the  main  hot  spots,  and  how  much  China,  India  and  throughout  Asia  also considerably increasing efficiency
       traffic do they handle over the festive  and  this  looks  to  continue  for  many  and routing. By using ADS-B, aircraft
       period compared with other times of  years  to  come.  We  see  other  emerg-  can better communicate their position,
       the year?                            ing  countries  in  the  Asia  Pacific  re-  monitor the location of other aircraft,
                                            gion, such as Vietnam and Indonesia  and safely reduce oceanic and remote
       There is substantial increase in travel  with year-over-year growth rising in  aircraft separation, resulting in better
       across  Asia  during  the  peak  festive  2012.  According  to  the  International  routing and reduced fuel burn.
       periods.    The  Civil  Aviation  Admin-  Air  Traffic  Association  (IATA),  Viet-  Similarly,  advanced  weather  ra-
       istration  of  China  (CAAC)  recently  nam will be the third fastest growing  dar  systems  such  as  Honeywell’s  3D
       estimated that as many as 35 million  airline  industry  market  after  China  weather  radar  IntuVue,  provide  pi-
       airline  passengers  will  be  travelling  and the United Arab Emirates. As the  lots  with  a  more  complete  picture
       during the Chinese New Year period,  skies experience further increases in  of  weather  conditions  than  current
       which is an increase of seven percent  congestion levels, it is crucial the in-  two-dimensional  systems,  helping
       from last year’s statistics. We see this  dustry  employ  technology  for  more  increase  efficiencies.    Efficiencies  are
       play  out  in  places  like  Hong  Kong,  efficient and safer air travel.  gained because pilots can make better
       which on the Friday before the holiday                                   decisions sooner to avoid bad weather
       set a record for the number of incom-  What are the main technological in-  thereby  minimizing  path  deviations
       ing  and  outgoing  flights  in  one  day;  novations that the industry can put to  and flight delays.
       and in Beijing where weather and con-  use, thinking of a time frame over the   Despite  planes  being  equipped
       gestion  issues  at  the  world’s  second  rest of the decade, in order to reduce  with the latest avionics, radar systems,
       busiest  airport  can  be  aggravated  by  congestion?                   and  engine  technology,  bad  weather
                                                                                conditions  can  still  force  last-minute
                                                                                route  changes,  service  cancellations
                                                                                and increased flight times that drive
                                                                                up  costs,  threaten  safety  and  gener-
                                                                                ate  congestion.  To  combat  this,  Hon-
                                                                                eywell is developing new technology
                                                                                that  increases  situational  awareness
                                                                                by providing pilots a 3D view of the
                                                                                world  through  the  limited-visibility
                                                                                environment  that  displays  real-time
                                                                                images of the terrain and key ground-
                                                                                based objects through an accurate syn-
                                                                                thetic image.  Honeywell’s Combined
                                                                                Vision System (CVS)  will help pilots
                                                                                land  in  low-visibility  environments,
                                                                                such as during a thunderstorm, haze
                                                                                or fog.  CVS not only keeps pilots and
                                                                                passengers safe while landing in low-
                                                                                visibility  situations,  it  also  enhances
                                                                                the passenger experience by avoiding

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