Page 25 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 25


       Jeppesen partners with

       Emirates Aviation College

         eppesen  has  agreed  a  deal  with
       JDubai-based  Emirates  Aviation
       College to provide Jeppesen Training
       courses through the College, a leading
       aviation  education  facility  in  the  re-
       gion. Jeppesen, a subsidiary of Boeing
       Flight Services , will provide its initio
       pilot training courses for trainee pilots
       at  Emirates Aviation College.
          Boeing  forecasts  a  global  need  for
       460,000 new commercial airline pilots
       over the next 20 years. “It is a strategic
       collaboration between Emirates Avia-  grated program would allow students  vides self-paced courses and learning
       tion College and Jeppesen to offer the  to progress from ab initio training and  programs  that  are  comprehensive  of
       region’s first of its kind JAA ab initio pi-  graduate to Boeing Jet Bridge and Type  all operational aspects of VFR and IFR
       lot training program,” said Dr. Ahmad  Rating instruction.               flying using Garmin G1000 avionics.
       Al Ali, senior vice president, Emirates   “This agreement is part of Boeing’s   “Our  new  online  Garmin  G1000
       Aviation  College.  “We  have  gathered  commitment to support our customers  training solution offers a total training
       the necessary tools, skills, support and  worldwide as together we face an in-  experience for VFR and IFR procedures
       expertise to offer training to produce  creased demand for pilots,” said Roei  that is a major step forward from tra-
       the  highest  quality  pilots  for  the  in-  Ganzarski chief customer officer, Boe-  ditional  textbook  and  syllabus-based
       dustry to assist in meeting the future  ing Flight Services. “The Middle East  training programs,” said Tim Huegel,
       demand for highly skilled professional  is growing at a tremendous pace and  director,  Jeppesen  Aviation  Portfolio
       airline pilots.”                     together  with  Emirates  Aviation  Col-  Management. “Jeppesen partners with
          “Jeppesen  is  working  toward  ad-  lege we can create a pipeline of compe-  top flight schools, universities and CFIs
       dressing the pressing pilot shortage the  tent and well-qualified pilots.”  in  the  industry  to  develop  programs
       aviation industry is facing by creating   •  Jeppesen  has  introduced  a  new  that resonate with the learning styles of
       interactive  training  programs  that  are  Web-based  training  program  featur-  today’s student pilots to increase train-
       highly  effective  in  preparing  the  next  ing  Garmin  G1000  avionics  systems.  ing retention and success rates. Our new
       generation of pilots and technicians for  The  new  online  program  features  Garmin G1000 online training program
       the  demands  of  the  profession,”  said  three Garmin G1000 training courses,  incorporates these elements to provide
       Thomas  Wede,  Jeppesen  senior  vice  including visual flight rules (VFR) pro-  the  top  training  experience  available
       president  and  general  manager,  Avia-  cedures,  instrument  flight  rules  (IFR)  for current and student pilots.”
       tion.  “Our  partnership  with  Emirates  procedures  and  VFR/IFR  procedures   The Garmin G1000 avionics training
       Aviation College is a shining example of  designed to simplify training for cur-  courses  from  Jeppesen  are  designed
       integrating  Jeppesen  ab  initio  training  rent and student pilots.    for  both  student  pilots  training  with
       programs with top institutions of avia-  Transitioning  from  paper-based  G1000  equipped  aircraft  as  well  as
       tion learning to provide today’s students  manuals  and  static  computer  based  pilots that are transitioning to G1000
       and tomorrow’s pilots with a foundation  training programs, the new Web-based  aircraft or need to gain expertise with
       of knowledge needed for success.”    Garmin  G1000  training  programs  G1000 avionics. The new online G1000
          To further develop effective training  from  Jeppesen  offer  fully  interactive  training program also is designed as
       programs to reach the next generation  courses  that  integrate  a  three-step  an effective tool for recurrent training
       of student pilots, Boeing Flight Servic-  method to teach critical VFR and IFR  and can be used by colleges, universi-
       es is working to establish an integrated  flying procedures more efficiently and  ties and flight schools as part of their
       total flight training solution. The inte-  effectively.  The  online  program  pro-  teaching curriculum.

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