Page 8 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 8

Headline News

       2011: Good

       year for safety

       Asian airlines saw accident
       rates  on  a  similar  level  to
       major European and North
       American airlines last year,
       which globally was one of
       the safest on record.
          That  was  the  message  duction that reflects a trend  to  the  highest  international  goals,  to  identify  and  ad-
       from the Asia-Pacific Airline  of continuous improvement  standards,  including  wider  dress a wide range of safety
       Association (AAPA) in a year  in aviation safety.      deployment of automated ter-  risk factors.”
       when  globally  there  were   The  AAPA  warns  that:  rain awareness warning sys-  Herdman  emphasised  the
       eight  major  accidents  in-  “A  review  of  all  major  ac-  tems  for  all  commercial  op-  importance  of  addressing
       volving  large  western-built  cidents  that  have  occurred  erations.,” notes the AAPA.   runway excursions and incur-
       commercial airline jets, five  worldwide in 2011, has again   Andrew  Herdman,  Di-  sions, noting that, “AAPA ful-
       of which resulted in a total  identified runway related in-  rector General of the AAPA  ly  supports  ICAO  initiatives
       of  197  fatalities.”With  only  cidents as important risk fac-  commented,  “Credit  must  to  further  improve  runway
       one  major  accident,  involv-  tors,  with  nearly  one  third  go  to  all  aviation  industry  safety,  and  is  working  with
       ing a freighter aircraft, Asia  of  accidents  due  to  runway  stakeholders for their ongo-  other regional aviation safety
       Pacific  airlines  maintained  over-runs.”             ing  commitment  and  hard  stakeholders  to  respond  to
       their excellent safety record,   The  statistics  do  not  in-  work  in  achieving  this  out-  this  challenge  through  the
       which is fully comparable to  clude  turboprop  aircraft,  standing safety performance  sharing of data and best safe-
       that of the leading European  which, the AAPA says, often  in 2011. Passengers can rest  ty management practices.”
       and  North  American  air-  operate in more challenging  assured  that  air  travel  re-  He  concluded,  “AAPA
       lines,” says the AAPA.      environments,  and  experi-  mains  both  extremely  safe  will  continue  in  our  efforts
          Globally,  the  result  re-  ence higher accident rates, of-  and highly secure.”   to  work  with  the  region’s
       flects an average jet aircraft  ten due to navigation errors.  He  added,  “Improved  regulators  and  airlines  to
       loss  rate  of  one  major  acci-  “Many  of  these  accidents  safety  performance  has  not  address regional safety chal-
       dent for every three million  are  believed  to  be  prevent-  occurred by chance, it is the  lenges, with the shared aim
       flights,  which  is  half  of  the  able, but it will require firmer  result of continuing regula-  of  delivering  further  posi-
       average loss rate for the last  actions  by  regulators  to  en-  tory and industry stakehold-  tive improvements in safety
       five  years,  a  significant  re-  sure that all carriers operate  er efforts, based on common  performance.”

       Etihad and Airberlin combine FFPs

       Etihad Airways   and Ger-  and Gold Elite members will  reciprocal  benefits  will  be  status and bonus miles across
       man  leisure  carrier  Air-  enjoy  additional  status  ben-  available to Airberlin topbo-  Airberlin’s network and enjoy
       berlin  have  integrate  their  efits such as use of Airberlin’s  nus members travelling with  benefits  such  as  use  of  air-
       frequent flyer programs as  priority  check-in,  priority  Etihad Airways.        berlin lounges and increased
       part  of  the  rollout  of  their  boarding and increased bag-  Etihad   Airways   Chief  baggage allowances.
       recent partnership.        gage allowances on all routes.  Commercial  Officer  Peter   “With  a  combined  net-
          Etihad Guest and Airber-   Etihad Guest Silver, Gold  Baumgartner said:  “This is  work of 239 destinations, this
       lin  topbonus  frequent  flyer  and  Gold  Elite  members  another  tangible  step  in  the  frequent flyer deal amounts
       program members will earn  will  also  be  able  to  access  roll-out and integration of our  to a fantastic proposition for
       award  and  status  miles  on  exclusive  Airberlin  waiting  extensive  partnership  with  Etihad  Guest  members  as
       each other’s airlines.     areas at Berlin, Cologne and  Airberlin.  Etihad Guest mem-  well as for Airberlin’s topbo-
          Etihad  Guest  Silver,  Gold  Dusseldorf airports. Similar  bers will now be able to earn  nus program members.”

       8   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  January/February 2012                               
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