Page 10 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 10
Headline News
Hong Kong joins A320 club ensure that we are able to of-
fer the best possible in-flight
experience, while benefitting
Hong Kong Airlines has be- ing Hong Kong with destina- body fleet to 10 aircraft, from the economic efficiency
come the latest operator of tions in mainland China, and comprising seven A330-200 offered by these modern air-
Airbus single aisle aircraft, North and South East Asia. passenger aircraft and three craft types.”
following the delivery of its Hong Kong Airlines has A330-200F freighters. Airbus has increased the
first A320. also taken delivery of its “With the delivery of our average list prices of its air-
The aircraft is the first of latest long range A330-200, first A320 and the new all- craft by 3.9%, except for the
30 A320s ordered by the air- featuring a new all-premi- premium class A330 Hong A320neo Family price which
line and is powered by CFM um class layout for just 116 Kong Airlines will consoli- rises by an average of 6.1%.
International’s CFM 56 en- passengers. The aircraft will date further its position as a The new pricing is effective
gines. Seating 152 passengers be used to launch new non- premier full-service carrier,” from January 1st 2012.
in two classes, the A320s will stop services to London. said Yang Jian Hong, Presi- “Our new pricing re-
be operated across the car- The delivery increases the dent, Hong Kong Airlines. flects the strong demand
rier’s regional network, link- carrier’s in-service wide- “The on-board features will for our modern, eco-effi-
cient aircraft families,” said
John Leahy, Airbus COO,
Customers.“With competi-
tion amongst carriers heat-
ing up, any tool that helps cut
their costs will pay handsome
dividends. The A320neo of-
fers a 15% fuel cost savings,
making it the blue chip single
aisle aircraft investment by
anyone’s standards.”
Service Contract first for China
Ameco Beijing installed Boeing777.
Hong Kong Aircraft Engi- ability management, supply the first in-flight WLAN Under FAA and EASA
neering Company Limited chain management, technical in China. The system rules, all registered air-
(HAECO) has signed a deal services, and comprehensive was installed on an Air craft under the two ad-
with Cathay Pacific to pro- 24/7 Aircraft-on-Ground China Boeing 737-800. ministrations need to
vide Inventory Technical (AOG) support, covering Air China is the first to install NGS ahead of
Management (ITM) servic- Boeing 747-8F peculiar com- provide such an onboard December 2017 and Sep-
es for the airline’s fleet of 10 ponents for Cathay Pacific’s service in China. tember 2022, respectively.
new Boeing 747-8 freight- Hong Kong base and its line The installation will NGS substantially reduc-
ers, to be delivered between station network. enable passengers to es aircraft center fuel tank
2011 and 2012. HAECO says that with the browse more programs flammability by introduc-
The contract was signed efficiencies resulting from via WLAN with portable ing nitrogen-enriched air
by Christopher Gibbs, Engi- pooling inventory resources IFE set. to lower the oxygen con-
neering Director of Cathay and HAECO’s technical ca- Ameco has also start- centration. The safety of
Pacific and Summit Chan, pabilities, the company is ed to provide Nitro- aircraft currently in-ser-
Commercial Director of well positioned to capture gen Generation System vice can be enhanced by
HAECO. additional business oppor- (NGS) modification on a NGS modification.
The ITM service includes tunities for the Boeing 747-8
inventory management, reli- freighters in the future.
10 ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS January/February 2012