Page 10 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 10

Headline News

       Hong Kong joins A320 club                                                         ensure that we are able to of-
                                                                                         fer the best possible in-flight
                                                                                         experience, while benefitting
       Hong Kong Airlines has be-  ing Hong Kong with destina-  body  fleet  to  10  aircraft,  from the economic efficiency
       come  the  latest  operator  of  tions in mainland China, and  comprising seven A330-200  offered by these modern air-
       Airbus single aisle aircraft,  North and South East Asia.  passenger aircraft and three  craft types.”
       following the delivery of its   Hong  Kong  Airlines  has  A330-200F freighters.    Airbus  has  increased  the
       first A320.                also  taken  delivery  of  its   “With  the  delivery  of  our  average  list  prices  of  its  air-
          The aircraft is the first of  latest  long  range  A330-200,  first  A320  and  the  new  all-  craft  by  3.9%,  except  for  the
       30 A320s ordered by the air-  featuring  a  new  all-premi-  premium  class  A330  Hong  A320neo Family price which
       line and is powered by CFM  um class layout for just 116  Kong  Airlines  will  consoli-  rises  by  an  average  of  6.1%.
       International’s  CFM  56  en-  passengers. The aircraft will  date further its position as a  The  new  pricing  is  effective
       gines. Seating 152 passengers  be used to launch new non-  premier  full-service  carrier,”  from January 1st 2012.
       in two classes, the A320s will  stop  services  to  London.  said  Yang  Jian  Hong,  Presi-  “Our  new  pricing  re-
       be  operated  across  the  car-  The  delivery  increases  the  dent,  Hong  Kong  Airlines.  flects  the  strong  demand
       rier’s regional network, link-  carrier’s  in-service    wide-  “The  on-board  features  will  for  our  modern,  eco-effi-
                                                                                         cient  aircraft  families,”  said
                                                                                         John  Leahy,  Airbus  COO,
                                                                                         Customers.“With   competi-
                                                                                         tion  amongst  carriers  heat-
                                                                                         ing up, any tool that helps cut
                                                                                         their costs will pay handsome
                                                                                         dividends.  The  A320neo  of-
                                                                                         fers  a  15%  fuel  cost  savings,
                                                                                         making it the blue chip single
                                                                                         aisle  aircraft  investment  by
                                                                                         anyone’s standards.”

       HAECO Signs ITM                                         Ameco WLAN

       Service Contract                                        first for China

                                                                Ameco  Beijing  installed  Boeing777.
       Hong  Kong  Aircraft  Engi-  ability management, supply   the first in-flight WLAN   Under FAA and EASA
       neering  Company  Limited  chain management, technical   in  China.  The  system  rules,  all  registered  air-
       (HAECO) has signed a deal  services, and comprehensive   was  installed  on  an  Air  craft  under  the  two  ad-
       with Cathay Pacific to pro-  24/7   Aircraft-on-Ground   China  Boeing  737-800.  ministrations  need  to
       vide  Inventory  Technical  (AOG)  support,  covering    Air  China  is  the  first  to  install  NGS  ahead  of
       Management (ITM) servic-   Boeing 747-8F peculiar com-   provide such an onboard  December  2017  and  Sep-
       es for the airline’s fleet of 10  ponents for Cathay Pacific’s   service in China.  tember 2022, respectively.
       new  Boeing  747-8  freight-  Hong Kong base and its line   The  installation  will  NGS substantially reduc-
       ers, to be delivered between  station network.           enable   passengers   to  es aircraft center fuel tank
       2011 and 2012.                HAECO says that with the   browse  more  programs  flammability by introduc-
         The  contract  was  signed  efficiencies  resulting  from   via WLAN with portable  ing nitrogen-enriched air
       by Christopher Gibbs, Engi-  pooling inventory resources   IFE set.               to lower the oxygen con-
       neering  Director  of  Cathay  and  HAECO’s  technical  ca-  Ameco has also start-  centration.  The  safety  of
       Pacific  and  Summit  Chan,  pabilities,  the  company  is   ed  to  provide  Nitro-  aircraft  currently  in-ser-
       Commercial   Director   of  well  positioned  to  capture   gen  Generation  System  vice  can  be  enhanced  by
       HAECO.                     additional  business  oppor-  (NGS) modification on a  NGS modification.
         The ITM service includes  tunities for the Boeing 747-8
       inventory management, reli-  freighters in the future.

       10  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  January/February 2012                               
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