Page 11 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 11

Headline News

       Hong Kong closer to getting                                                       ing considerations.”
                                                                                           If  the  airport  authority
       third runway                                                                      receives  the  Government’s
                                                                                         green light to proceed with
                                                                                         its recommendations, it will
                                                                                         adopt  the  proposed  new
       The  Hong  Kong  Airport  cision  urgently  on  HKIA’s  ation hub by growing it.”  Air  Quality  Objectivess  as
       Authority  has  made  a  rec-  future expansion plans.   Cathay Pacific says it ac-  the benchmark for conduct-
       ommendation  to  the  Gov-    Cathay  chief  executive  knowledges  the  concern   ing  the  air  quality  impact
       ernment  to  build  a  third  officer John Slosar said: “We  of  the  environmental  im-  assessment  under  the  EIA
       runway as part of the future  firmly believe the third run-  pact  in  building  the  third   studies  and  ensure  full
       development  blueprint  for  way is of critical importance  runway  among  the  survey   compliance  with  the  pre-
       the airport.               to  the  sustainability  of  the  respondents.  The  airline   vailing  statutory  require-
          The board of the airport  Hong  Kong  economy  and,  fully  supports and actively   ments  throughout  the  EIA
       authority  made  the  recom-  therefore,  to  the  long-term  implements  various  initia-  process.
       mendation  in  late  Decem-  prosperity  and  well-being  tives to fulfil the IATA’s cli-  Spokespersons  from  the
       ber,  following  the  conclu-  of Hong Kong people. Con-  mate  change  commitments   airport  authority  said  they
       sion  of  the  three-month  nectivity with the rest of the  –  an  average  improvement   are  not  under-estimating
       public consultation on Hong  world has made Hong Kong  in fuel efficiency of 1.5% per   the  challenges  ahead  and
       Kong  International  Airport  what it is today so we must  year  to  2020,  aviation  car-  will  explore  all  possible
       Master Plan 2030. The Board  be  clear  on  how  we  can  bon-neutral  growth  from   measures,  including  miti-
       submitted its recommenda-  maintain  and  grow  these  2020, and a reduction in net   gation,  to  address  relevant
       tions to the Government to
       adopt,  for  planning  pur-
       poses, the three-runway op-
       tion  as  the  future  develop-
       ment option for Hong Kong
       International  Airport.  The
       Board  also  recommended
       proceeding  with  the  statu-
       tory Environmental Impact
       Assessment  (EIA)  process
       and the preparation of asso-
       ciated design details.
          Adding  a  third  runway
       is  to  cater  to  Hong  Kong’s
       long-term air traffic growth
       and  strengthen  the  city’s
       role  as  a  leading  regional
       and  international  aviation  links for our future.    CO2  emissions  of  50%  by   issues during the course of
       centre,  says  the  airport  au-  “A  third  runway  is  the  2050, relative to 2005 levels.  the EIA.
       thority.                   only viable option to ensure   “We welcome the Airport   They  added  that  the  or-
          The move was welcomed  the  long-term  competitive-  Authority’s  recommenda-  ganisation  has  been  work-
       by  the  city’s  main  carrier,  ness  of  Hong  Kong  as  an  tion  to  proceed  with  the   ing on a number of air qual-
       Cathay  Pacific,  which  sais  important  international  fi-  statutory   Environmental   ity improvement measures.
       it is also encouraged by the  nancial centre, trading and  Impact  assessment  process   These measures include the
       result  of  the  independent  logistics  hub,  tourism  des-  and the preparation of asso-  early retirement of aged or
       Hong Kong University sur-  tination,  and  professional  ciated  design  details,”  said   heavily  polluted  vehicles;
       vey which shows that 73% of  services capital.         Mr  Slosar.  “We  are  confi-  wider  use  of  hybrid  and
       the 24,242 respondents pre-   “Giving  the  increasing  dent that the economic and   electric  vehicles;  electrifi-
       fer the three-runway option  competition from other air-  social  benefits  of  the  third   cation  of  aviation  ground
       and  80%  agree  or  strongly  ports, we need to invest on  runway  will  be  carefully   support  equipment;  and
       agree  that  the  Airport  Au-  the back of the spectacular  balanced with environmen-  tree  planting  and  rooftop
       thority  should  make  a  de-  success of our fantastic avi-  tal,  engineering  and  fund-  greening.

                                                                                                                11                                                 January/February 2012  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS
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