Page 22 - AAA MAY-JUNE 2012 Online Magazine
P. 22


                                                                                     We are developing
                                                                                market share in Asia.
                                                                                Our turnover in Asia
                                                                                is 60% on engines
                                                                                repair and 40% on
                                                                                components because
                                                                                we do not carry out
                                                                                airplane maintenance
                                                                                in Asia – we are
                                                                                very focussed,

                                                                                - Fabrice Defrance, SVP
                                                                                Commercial, AFI KLM E&M

                                            Howdy partner                       contract with sriLankan airlines covering
                                            as a major ‘mro for hire’, aFi KLm sees   a340 and a330 component support.
                                            30% of business in asia, has three local   in india, aFi KLm  signed a strategic
                                            sales  offices,  and  around  20  customers   partnership  agreement  with  mumbai-
                                            in  the  region,  mainly  for  engine  or   based  max  aerospace,  a  major  player
                                            component support. They include airasia   in  the  indian  mro  market.  This  makes
                                            X,  air  new  Zealand,  indigo,  airblue   them  the  first  global  mro  to  offer  a
                                            Limited  and  garuda.  The  company   component  repair  capability  in  india.
                                            operates an advanced logistics platform   “This partnership will help us to achieve
                                            in singapore, which handles storage and   our  component  support  ambitions,  and
                                            distribution of spares for Boeing 777s and   to have the resources to stay abreast of
                                            airbus a330. spares for a320s are to be   the vigorous growth on our market,” said
                                            added shortly. it has decided that being   Bharat  malkani,  Chairman  and  mD  of
                                            specialist can bring dividends in the new   max  aerospace.  The  Jv’s  new  facility  is
                                            asian boom zone.                    being built in nagpur and is expected to
                                               “as  far  as  aFi  KLm  goes,  we  are   be completed by 2013.
                                            developing  market  share  in  asia.  our   Like aFi KLm, Lufthansa Technik has
                                            turnover in asia is 60% on engines repair   long been active in the region through
                                            and  40%  on  components  because  we   local  joint  ventures,  including  ameco
                                            do  not  carry  out  airplane  maintenance   Beijing – 60% owned by air China, with
                                            in  asia  –  we  are  very  focussed,”  said   the rest held by LhT’s parent Lufthansa.
                                            Defrance.    he  describes  the  company’s   also  in  China  is  Lufthansa  Technik
                                            asian  business  as  very  important.  “our   shenzhen, specialising in aircraft thrust
                                            geographical  ratio  of  30%  of  business   reversers  and  high-value  components.
                                            here  is  growing.  For  instance  on   Lufthansa  Technik  Philippines  recently
        OPPOSITE PAGE                       a330/340  component  support  (on  which   opened  a  third  8,500  m2  hangar  in
        TOP: Engine overhaul                we are number one worldwide), we have   manila  for  work  on  wide-body  aircraft.
        is increasingly being               customers  such  as  airasia  X,  Qantas,   “With the new hangar, we will be able to
        factored out locally
                                            sriLankan  airlines  and  airCalin.  To   keep up with the increasing demand for
        BOTTOM: Filipino                    make  (component  support)  consistent,   technical services for long-haul aircraft,
        technicians working                 we are developing further partnerships,”   particularly  in  the  asian  market,”
        on an Airbus A340 at                he  added.  For  example,  aFi/KLm  has   said   august   Wilhelm   henningsen,
        Lufthansa Technik                   an agreement with Pia for the overhaul   Lufthansa  Technik  Chairman  of  the
        Philippines                         of  the  g90  engine  and  recently  inked  a   executive Board.
        22   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2012                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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