Page 24 - AAA MAY-JUNE 2012 Online Magazine
P. 24


        Training on flight simulator        Fulfilling training needs           training programs.  The ab-initio program
        at ST Aerospace’s                   so  judging  by  the  investments  by  both   will be delivered under either multi-crew
        commercial pilot training           majors  and  independents,  the  asia   Pilot Licence (mPL) or Commercial Pilot
        arm, ST Aerospace                   Pacific region – particularly india, China   Licence (CPL) syllabi, followed by specific
        Academy in Singapore                and West asia – is set to drive massive   training on the a320 aircraft and eventual
                                            growth  in  the  aviation  industry  over  the   employment  as  a320-Type  rated  First
                                            next few decades. Boeing has projected   officers.
                                            the  world’s  airlines  will  need  an   so  it  looks  like  asia  is  becoming  a
                                            additional 460,000 pilots (183,000 in asia-  prominent point on the training map too,
                                            Pacific alone) over the next 20 years. This   according  to  customers.  “We  are  very
                                            growth will drive demand for cabin crew,   happy with the quality of pilots trained by
                                            engineers, air traffic controllers, ground   sTaa  and  trust  that  sTaa  will  continue
                                            staff  and  handlers,  administration  and   to deliver the pool of professional pilots
                                            management.  Like  the  engineers,  the   that  we  need  to  meet  our  operational
                                            trainers have seen the opportunity.  requirements,”  said  stewart  adams,
                                               The singapore ministry of manpower     managing  Director,  Tiger  airways.  “We
                                            has  been  working  together  with  the
                                                                                believe  this  is  only  the  start  of  a  long-
         460,000                            singapore   Workforce   Development   term relationship,” he added.
                                                                                   in sum, the growing mro industry is
                                            agency to support the growing manpower
                                            needs of the industry. The completion of
                                            the  seletar  aerospace  Park  in  2015  is   expected to create avenues for growth in
                                                                                replacement  and  components  sectors,
          Pilots will be needed over the next 20   expected  to  create  10,000  new  jobs.  sT   says  market  research  firm,  global
          years according to Boeing with    aerospace’s  commercial  pilot  training   industry  analysts  inc.  With  developing
         183,000                            arm, sT aerospace academy (sTaa) has   countries  emerging  into  viable  ‘single-
                                            been  awarded  a  five-year  pilot  training
                                                                                stop’ mro hubs, there are opportunities
                                            to  train  more  than  100  pilots  from  this
                                                                                america and the middle east, the report
          for the Asia-Pacific area alone   contract  by  Tiger  airways  and  expects   galore in the asia-Pacific, as well as Latin
                                            year,  using  ab-initio  and  advanced  pilot   noted. mro asia: the future looks good.
        24   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2012                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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