Page 29 - AAA MAY-JUNE 2012 Online Magazine
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          as  fertile  ground  for  all  sorts  of  mobile  the current approach relies on the cabin         Several European
          innovation  such  as  flight-tracking  apps,  crew to be the facilitators for the sale, but
          apps that determine  delay times, seating  the  application  of  recent  technology  can  carriers have shown
          plans  and  internet  access  for  layover  shift the sale to become more passenger-  great success with
          times,  airlines  themselves  have  yet  to  centric.  and  a  key  aspect  of  capitalising   generating ancillary
          leverage this channel to its fullest extent. on consumer captivity is streamlining the
             this  change  in  the  way  travellers  purchasing process.        revenue on board
          behave,   with   smartphones   and                                    with up to four to
          connectivity    changing  the  way  they  New approach                five different ‘selling
          interact, has given airlines the opportunity  earning revenue through in-flight retailing
          to tap into this behaviour and grow their  involves  presenting  a  captive  audience  opportunities’ on
          revenues  in  the  process.  the  recently  primed  to  spend,  with  convenient,   a given flight
          announced ontouch® concierge mobile  destination-relevant  and  attractive  retail
          application allows airlines to provide their  options. this can now be done through a
          customers with access to their branded  whole variety of channels  – physically in   - Alison Croyle, JetBlue Airways Inc.
          on-board  stores  via  their  smartphone,  the cabin, through a catalogue, or using
          where  they  can  purchase  a  variety  of  Wi-Fi  capability  through  a  controlled
          goods  and  services  including  meals,  online portal. this enables the passengers
          movies,  ground  transportation,  theatre  to  complete  a  transaction  easily  and
          tickets  and  gifts,  and    products  and  securely  through  a  branded    “on-board
          services that today’s connected travellers  store.”
          are looking for – not just traditional duty-  like  a  retail  store,  this  branded  on-
          free items.                       board store will involve a different set of
             “several  european  carriers  have  characteristics  that  vary  from  airline  to
          shown  great  success  with  generating  airline, taking into account  flight duration,
          ancillary revenue on board ... with up to  destination,  and  route.  using  this  data,
          four to five different ‘selling opportunities’  the  airline  is  able  to  “stock  its  shelves”
          on  a  given  flight,”  said  alison  croyle,  a  with relevant products and offerings that
          spokeswoman with Jetblue airways inc.  appeal directly to its passengers. in doing
          in the WsJ. she added that as technology  so, the airline is able to focus on the needs
          improves,  it  is  likely  that  more  carriers  of  the  passenger,  offering  products  and
          will look toward to other ways “to meet  services  that  are  relevant  and  wanted.
          customer  needs  as  well  as  generate  rather  than  being  viewed  as  a  stand-
          additional  revenue.”  this  revenue  is  alone product, this in-flight connectivity is
          considerable  in  its  potential.  on  one  an enabler, providing for a seamless and
          flight  alone,  Korean  air  sold  goods  and  managed  on-board  buying  experience,
          services  to  the  value  of  us$38,000,  a  delivered  to  passengers  via  their  own
          considerable increase in real cash profit  personal devices and smartphones. this
          over  the  standard  ticket-sale  income.  allows  them  to  not  only  explore  the  on-

                                               In the first eight months of 2011 the number of Asians who travelled abroad
                                               rose 6% from the same period in 2010. In 2010 alone, the total number of  out-
                                               bound tourist trips from China reached a record 57.3 million, an increase of
                                               over 20% from 2009. Overall, an estimated 90 million tourists travelled abroad
                                               from Asia in 2011, spending a collective US$86 billion. And according to the
                                               latest ITB World Travel Report, similar robust expansion is likely in 2012. Many
                                               tourism boards are redesigning promotion campaigns for the Asia-Pacific and
                                               away from legacy destinations like Britain, Germany, the US, Italy, France,
                                               Spain, and Scandinavia.

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