Page 31 - AAA MAY-JUNE 2012 Online Magazine
P. 31



                                                                                Counting on Abacus

                                                                                AbAcus  InternAtIonAl  has  signed
                                                                                an  agreement  with  AirAsia  Philippines
                                                                                to  use  the  Abacus  system  to  provide
                                                                                Abacus’  travel  agents  with  access  to
                                                                                the  airline’s  flights  and  fares.  “We  are
          Rotary business in India                                              very  excited  to  be  able  to  partner  with
                                                                                a  service  provider  as  established  as
          “busIness  AVIAtIon  is  one  of  the  key  segments  that  is  driving  the  growth  of   Abacus,”  said  Marianne  Hontiveros,
          the helicopter market in India,” noted eurocopter India ceo, Xavier Hay after the   ceo,   AirAsia   Philippines.   “As   a
          Hyderabad show. eurocopter India has signed contracts including an As350 b3e, an   newcomer  to  the  industry,  we  hope
          ec135 and an ec155. the first aircraft is an As350 b3e sold to G.r.constructions for   to  be  able  to  get  word  of  our  services
          business use, along with an ec135 and an ec155 for undisclosed customers – for   out to as many potential customers as
          corporate travel. “these bookings mark a good start to the year,” said Hay. “We will   possible  and  we  feel  that  Abacus  can
          continue to work on developing other segments as well, such as emergency medical   help  us  achieve  that.”  Abacus  sees
          services, law enforcement, utility and aerial work. our ultimate aim is to help create   further strong growth ahead, especially
          a robust aviation industry in this country.”                          in the area of lccs which saw a growth
                                                                                in  bookings  of  27%  in  2011  against
                                                                                2010. An established partner of various
                                                                                lccs,  hybrid  and  regional  airlines
                                                                                including  AirAsia  Malaysia,  thailand
                                                                                and Indonesia, and cambodia’s Angkor
                                                                                Air,  Abacus  is  confident  its  network
                                                                                will  help  AirAsia  Philippines  to  reach
                                                                                its  consumers  and  help  them  tap  into
                                                                                higher-yield passenger segments.

          Brunei CAE JV                      Etihad goes Irish

          trainers  cAe  and  the  brunei  Ministry   unIteD  ArAb  eMIrAtes  national  airline
          of Finance are to establish joint venture   etihad  Airways  has  extended  its  regional
          company  to  develop  a  Multi-Purpose   holding with an almost 3% stake in Irish flag
          training  centre  in  brunei,  with  long-  carrier  Aer  lingus  for  an  estimated  us$   In-flight flyer
          term  contracts  valued  at  approximately   20million based on the Irish carrier’s current   Phoenix Duty Free services (PDFs) is set
          us$172  million  for  cAe.  the  JV  will  be     market capitalisation of 471 million euros.   to secure the Air India on-board duty free
          owned  60%  by  cAe  and  40%  by  brunei   etihad  owns  nearly  30%  of  Airberlin,  and   concession following a tender process.
          Ministry of Finance, and will offer training   40% of Air seychelles, and is in something   ceo Dilan Wirasinghe confirmed he had
          on sikorsky and Pilatus aircraft in  brunei   of  an  M&A  race  with  emirates  –  which   signed a letter of intent from the airline
          Darussalam.  Martin Gagné, cAe’s Group   interestingly  has  denied  looking  at  Virgin.   and  that  the  company  was  working
          President, Military Products, training and   Aer lingus reported strong growth in 2011   towards  an  imminent  operational
          services,  said  the  training  centre  will     despite  the  country’s  economic  downturn   implementation.  Previously,  IDFs  ran
          become  a  training  centre  of  excellence   as earnings climbed 66% to us$95.6 million   the Air India inflight franchise, but the
          for  the  entire  south  east  Asia  region.   last year. etihad operates 10 flights a week   poor profit margins are reported to have
          “We  are  pleased  and  honoured  the   from Abu Dhabi to Dublin and has carried   made the company walk away from the
          Government  of  brunei  has  placed  their   more than 750,000 passengers between the   deal. PDFs has existing contracts with
          trust and confidence in cAe to deliver a   two capitals since it began flying the route   bangkok  Airways,  sri  lanka  Airlines
          world-class training facility,” he said.   in 2007.                   and the Mihin lanka lcc operation.

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