Page 34 - AAA MAY-JUNE 2012 Online Magazine
P. 34


          IN THE HANGAR

                                                                                Boeing signs UTair
                                                                                Boeing  Shanghai  has  signed  a  deal
                                                                                with  UTair  Aviation  covering  fleet
                                                                                management for 767 and 737 aircraft.
                                                                                Boeing Shanghai will provide support
                                                                                for UTair’s fleet of 767-200ERs, helping
                                                                                develop   maintenance   programs,
                                                                                interiors  and  modifications.  “UTair
                                                                                Aviation is a special customer of Boeing
                                                                                Shanghai,” said Bernard Hensey, CEO
                                                                                Boeing  Shanghai.  Boeing  said  the
                                                                                introduction  of  767s  into  the  UTair
                                                                                fleet  was  “a  great  step  forward”  for
                                                                                the Russia-based airline. UTair ranks
                                                                                among  the  top  five  largest  Russian
                                                                                carriers  by  passenger  numbers.  The
                                                                                deal adds to Boeing China’s presence
                                                                                in  the  Russian  MRO  market,  adding
                                                                                to  its  heavy  maintenance  work  for
                                                                                Aeroflot, S7 Airlines and Aerosvit.

                                             Hawker Pacific joins Rolls-Royce

                                             Hawker Pacific has signed up as the first   long-standing  partnership  with  Embraer
                                             Rolls-Royce AE 3007A Authorised Service   with  its  3007A-powered  Legacy  600  and
                                             Centre in Asia, at Seletar Aerospace Park   Legacy  650  aircraft.  “We  look  forward  to
                                             in Singapore. John Riggir, Hawker Pacific   a  great  partnership  with  Rolls-Royce,  a
                                             Senior  Vice  President  Asia,  said  the  new   company  known  for  its  commitment  to
                                             certification would means the company is   excellence,” added Riggir. “We are delighted
                                             ideally placed to extend its support to Rolls-  to be the first in the Asia Pacific region to be
          IndiGo opts for                    Royce  AE  3007A  engines,  and  build  on  a   appointed (to the programme).”
          Lufthansa MRO
          Indian LCC IndiGo has signed up with                                  in  the  areas  of  complex  engineering
          Lufthansa  Technik  Philippines  (LTP)                                structure  design,  advanced  stress
          for lease return checks for seven of its                              analysis  and  project  management
          A320 aircraft. The first checks are to                                services. Bombardier said it is essential
          start in June 2012, with the remainder                                that  the  company  grows  presence  in
          of the aircraft being processed by the                                international  markets,  noting  that
          end  of  the  year,  says  IndiGo.  “Our                              the  new  office  will  support  projects
          partnership with LTP, one of the leading                              and  relationships  with  partners  like
          maintenance,  repair  and  overhaul                                   Mahindra-Satyam,  Tata  Consultancy
          providers in Asia, will (leverage) LTP’s                              Services and Capgemini.
          proven  competence,  experience  and   Bombardier ESO for             “This continued investment in the region
          expertise,”  said  IndiGo.  According  to   India                     will allow us to take advantage of local
          Dominik  Wiener-Silva,  vice  president   Bombardier Aerospace has opened the   expertise in a market that is becoming
          for Marketing and Sales of Lufthansa   doors  on  a  new  Engineering  Service   increasingly important to Bombardier,”
          Technik  Philippines,  LTP  is  looking   Office  (ESO)  in  Bangalore,  India.  The   said  Jean  Seguin,  Vice  President,
          to  more  business  from  IndiGo.  “We   new  ESO  will  house  approximately  50   Quality,  Achieving  Excellence  System,
          hope that this agreement is a start of   aerospace engineers by end 2013, and   Engineering   and   Manufacturing,
          a long-term partnership,” he said.”     will support development programmes   Bombardier Aerospace.

        34   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2012                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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