Page 33 - AAA MAY-JUNE 2012 Online Magazine
P. 33


                                             PBN Goes Live                     streamline  air  traffic  management  and

          InfoPad                            GE-designed      Performance-based   improve airport capacity as well,” he said.
                                             Navigation  (PBN)  flight  paths  were
                                                                               As Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport is surrounded
          The  Pacific  Asia  Travel  Association   validated  last  week  at  Jiuzhai  Huanglong   by  steep terrain and the  Min Shan mountain
          (PATA)   has   developed   a   new   Airport in Sichuan, China. This is the first   range,  the  airport  poses  particular
          information   portal   system   that   PBN project initiated by a public Chinese   challenges to pilots, especially during poor
          tracks  aviation  passenger  flows,   airport, and the paths will be available to   weather  operations.  The  GE-designed,
          flight  capacity  and  frequency,  hotel   all approved aircraft operators. Air China,   super-accurate  PBN  paths  will  improve
          occupancy, social data and consumer   China Eastern and Sichuan Airlines are the   access  and  payload  for  PBN  operators,
          trends  in  real  time.  The  system,   first three airlines that will use PBN  at the   while  providing  improved  runway  access,
          PATAmPOWER,    was  created  in    airport. Giovanni Spitale, general manager   even  with  simultaneous  PBN  operations.
          HTML5  so  it  can  run  transparently   for  GE  Aviation’s  PBN  Services  said  that   “Safety, efficiency and service reliability are
          on  mobile  devices  such  as  the  iPad,   the  company  had  worked  hard  with  all     top priorities for our airspace customers,”
          smartphones, tablets, and notebooks.   stakeholders  to  ensure  the  new  flight   said Zhu, deputy general manager of the
          Data  can  be  shared  with  fellow   paths were compatible and validated, and   Jiuzhai airport. “The PBN paths will help us
          employees  and  colleagues  through   to maximise the benefit. “The PBN paths   to better ensure their needs are met, while
          social  media  and  email.  Users  can   will not only improve aircraft performance   streamlining our airspace operations.”
          download  or  print  the  info-graphics   and reliability into the region, but will help
          and data to create their own analysis
          and  reports.  “Speed  is  a  competitive
          advantage,”  said  PATA  CEO,  Martin   Go North,                     with China.” he said. Brown is confident the
          Craigs.  “No  one  else  in  the  travel   to Asia                    Queensland State Government will come
          industry in Asia-Pacific offers such a                                to the table with a US$8 million Aviation
          mobile yet fully integrated platform of   Queensland-based            Attraction Fund, and that the airport could
          updated travel information.” The new   Cairns  Airport  is            see  plans  for  a  second  parallel  runway
          platform  contains  a  wide  selection   looking  to  China  to       come  to  fruition.  However,  Brown  says
          of  data.  For  example,  PATAmPOWER   boost landings at the          it  could  be  another  five  months  before
          allows   travel   professionals   to   far north city. Airport        the  land  use  plan  is  finalised  and  the
          see  visitor  expenditure  in  a  given   chief   executive           potential  impact  on  mangrove  wetlands
          destination, average daily expenditure   officer  Kevin  Brown  says  the  airport  has   fully  investigated.  The  airport  managers
          and expenditure by item. Forecasts of   already  added  three  new  members  to   say they are hoping the new proposals will
          future expenditure in key markets and   its  aviation  development  team,  aiming   give  Cairns  an  advantage  when  lobbying
          segments are also presented.“I believe   specifically  at  generating  more  interest   for new business. “We’re in almost daily
          it  will  be  of  great  use,  especially  for   from overseas carriers, in particular those   discussions  with  the  State  Government
          travel professionals with a marketing,   servicing the Chinese market.”Take China   as  well  as  domestic  and  international
          planning  and  strategic  brief,”  said   for example,” he said. “Every other country   airlines in a bid to secure new business,”
          PATA Chairman Hiran Cooray.        around  the  world  wants  that  connectivity   he added in an ABC interview.

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