Page 37 - AAA MAY-JUNE 2012 Online Magazine
P. 37


          Tiger flies Lanka
          Tiger Airways has launched direct flights
          between Singapore and Colombo, flying
          three times a week from the end of May.
          This will make it the first LCC to fly direct
          from Singapore to Colombo. “This marks
          the launch of our second new route since
          the beginning of this year, and is part of
          our ongoing push to expand our network
          and paw print in the region,” said Stewart
          Adams,  Managing  Director  of  Tiger   Japan Airlines Takes Two
          Airways  Singapore.  The  only  other  key   Japan Airlines (JAL) took delivery of the   ensure  route  profitability,  and  also  the
          LCC  to  operate  out  of  Bandaranaike   airline’s  first  two  787  Dreamliners  on   enhanced  in-flight  comfort  that  our
          International Airport is Sri Lanka-based   a single day last month. The planes are   customers  will  be  delighted  with,”  he
          Mihin  Lanka,  which  flies  mainly  to  the   slated to serve previously unflown routes   added.  The  787  Dreamliner  is  more
          Indian  subcontinent,  but  offers  code   from  Japan  to  the  US.  JAL  will  start  a   efficient  to  operate  and  has  lower  fuel
          shares  with  Air  Lanka  to  several  other   Boston service next month and add San   use  compared  with    current  offerings,
          South East Asian destinations.     Diego later this year, said Yoshiharu Ueki,   thanks in part to its lightweight composite
                                             president  of  Japan  Airlines.  “The  787   construction which makes it the first mid-
         More LCCs for India?                with GEnx engines has the performance   size aircraft capable of flying long-range
                                             economics  that  JAL  is  looking  for  to
                                                                               routes, says Boeing.
         An  application  has  been  filed  with  the
         Ministry  of  Civil  Aviation  by  Capt  G.R
         Gopinath (who sold  Deccan to Kingfisher)
         to  start  a  scheduled  carrier  with  12
         Airbus 320s and ATR-72s. A Kingfisher
         ‘no-compete’ clause will end by Q4 2012,
         and Gopinath told AAA the vacuum from
         the  “sudden  collapse  of  Kingfisher”
         was likely to leave a hole in the market.
         Gopinath  wants  to  fly  to  destinations
         with  a  large  base  in  the  south.    These
         could include 21 locations like Mumbai,  Singapore Sinks               Cathay Cuts
         Delhi, Coimbatore, Madurai, Bangalore,   Singapore Air (SIA) slumped to a more than   Cathay  Pacific  may  have  to  mothball
         Hyderabad, Guwahati and Goa.        expected loss of US$31 million in the last   some of its fleet aircraft and cut route
                                             quarter, according to the latest company   numbers  thanks to slowing passenger
          Timor Jets                         reports. Analyst projections had it making   numbers and high fuel costs on its long-
                                                                                haul  routes.  Recent  revenue  growth
                                             a US$100 million or so profit, but increased
          Timor Air has confirmed a start date   competition from LCCs, a softening of the   has  been  falling  “well  short  of  target”
          of  three  months  for  its  Embraer  170   premium market and high oil prices have   it  said  in  a  statement,  adding  that  its
          service  on  the  Nicolau  Lobato  (Dili)-  all cut into the company’s operating costs.   premium  and  cargo  services  had  seen
          Darwin  and  Dili-Perth  routes.  Newly   The  passenger  load  rate  stayed  level  at   a slowdown too. “Fuel prices remain at
          appointed  CEO  of  Timor  Air,  James   68.5%, but as Goh Choon Phong, SIA CEO   crippling highs and our cargo business
          Stewart Kim said the aircraft will offer   noted, higher costs had “cut into” projected   still  shows  no  sign  of  any  sustained
          up to 124 seats, including 12 in business   yields, and that “a high fuel price and weak   pick-up,” Cathay Pacific Chief Executive
          class. The deal is set to leverage the   economic  environment  are  particularly   John  Slosar  said  to  employees.  “The
          increasing  oil  and  resource  traffic   challenging  to  long-haul  airlines.”  SIA  is   (aviation)  world  is  still  balancing  on
          between Dili and Perth, the Australian   reported to have abandoned plans to offer   a  knife  edge,”  he  said.  Last  year  the
          oil  industry’s  capital,  and  a  much   cabin attendants and pilots unpaid leave,   airline’s fuel costs rose 38% compared
          improved luggage allowance over the   but earlier this year introduced a scheme   to  the  previous  year.  The  airline  has
          previously operated Saab 340 aircraft   to  offer  first  officers  up  to  two  years   also  put  off  scheduled  delivery  of  new
          on the same routes.                unpaid leave.                      aircraft from Boeing.

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