Page 38 - AAA MAY-JUNE 2012 Online Magazine
P. 38


        THAT’S ME

        Director Leo Jeoh is the Senior
        Design Office Manager for Eurocopter
        South East Asia. He tells us he is
        happiest when he has his hands all
        over a helicopter, and is busy making
        designs work in the real world.

        How did you get into aviation?
        Nearly 12 years ago I returned to Singapore after studying lasers,        The industry is waiting with
        plasmas, and solid-state materials. I was faced with 2.5 years in   bated breath on how low-level
        National Service but wanted to stay at the forefront of technology. I
        thought “what better than the Air Force with all the cool aircraft?”   airspace regulations in China will
        I signed on as an Air Engineering Officer in the RSAF, and my   evolve as the economy maintains
        first assignment was being responsible for structures repair and   its upswing. It would be a great
        inspections at Sembawang helicopter base.
                                                              industry boost if regulations
        Was that challenging?                                 move in the right direction
        After a few years in the base, a million-dollar opportunity came
        up  for  a  Flight  Test  course  at  the  Empire  Test  Pilots’  School
        (ETPS) at Boscombe Down, in the UK. I was selected, and had a   What is Asia’s biggest strength?
        gruelling but extremely rewarding year of coursework and test   The one usually overlooked is the quality and availability of the
        flying on at least a dozen aircraft types. That was when I truly   people. Looking at aerospace engineers, the number graduating
        understood  and  appreciated  the  helicopter  for  the  marvel  of   each  year  from  Asia  is  astounding.  If  these  can  deepen  their
        engineering it is – I was hooked!                     expertise and experience, there should be no shortage of quality
                                                              talent – and certainly no shortage of opportunities for them!
        And then you joined Eurocopter?
        After about 10 years in the Air Force, I decided to join the “big   How do you see airspace regulation developing in the region?
        players”  in  civilian  aerospace.    Eurocopter  South  East  Asia   I think the growth of related businesses will inevitably push local
        (ESEA) was looking for somebody and it proved an irresistible   governmental  agencies  to  cater  for  the  needs  of  the  growing
        challenge. The best thing is to be able to put your hands all over   volume. Both Singapore and Malaysia have stepped up to provide
        a helicopter and to bring designs from ideas on-screen to actual   designated  facilities  for  general  aviation.  Similar  airspace
        airworthy installations on an aircraft.               actions should follow if existing provisions prove insufficient.

        What is the best thing about working in Asia?
        There is a tremendous amount of growth in Asia, but there is still
        a lot of room, as well as uncertainties. The opportunities are  just
        there waiting for the right people: the best thing for go-getters.   Leo Jeoh is Senior Design Office Manager at ESEA,
        The uncertainties are the constant challenges that keep you on   responsible for design-engineering activities, developing
        your toes and demand flexibility.                        and maintaining design assurance systems, human
                                                                 resources, and business growth. Working with ESEA since
        What’s your best/scariest moment in an aircraft?         2009, he previously served in the RSAF for 10 years, as
        The best moment was doing maximum ceiling tests on a Gazelle   Engineering Officer-In-Charge at Sembawang Air Base,
        at Boscombe Down. The Gazelle is like an open-top sports car, so   Rotary Wing Flight Test Engineer (FTE) in the Flight Test
        imagine taking it up as high as you can go (about 20,000 feet). The   Centre, and Staff Officer in the Air Logistics Department.
        view and feeling was so spectacular I quickly forgot I had to wear   He holds a B.Eng in Physics, and M.Sc. in Material Science
        an oxygen mask, a parachute, and that my flight controls were   and Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology,
        becoming unresponsive! But really, I don’t think I have ever been   in the US. He was Dunlop Trophy winner (top Flight Test
        really scared flying – I’m too busy enjoying the flight to be scared.  Engineer) at UK Empire Test Pilots’ School.

        38   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2012                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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