Page 31 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
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                                                                             EDITORIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                             Vol 21 November / December 2012

                                                                             Order / Booking Deadline
                                                                             15th October

                                                                                Pilot Training
                                                                                All  the  major  manufacturers  say  the
                                                                                number of aircraft coming into service
                                                                                is set to rocket. But who will fly them?
                                                                                How will they be trained? Where will
                                                                                they train? Will safety be compromised
                                                                                by new curricula? We ask the experts
                                                                                in the business what the future holds
                                                                                for  the  next  generation  of  people  in
                                                                                the front seats.

                                                                                  Bonus Distribution at
          Middle East Aerospace                                                   INDO AEROSPACE
          If the rest of the world is seeing a slowdown in aviation business, there’s one   Jakarta
          place that is not feeling the heat. In the Middle East, business is booming with   7-10 November 2012
          the UAE, Qatar and Abu Dhabi seeing large aircraft orders, an aggressive M&A
          push,  an  increasing  MRO  presence  and  significant  infrastructure  investment.   AIRSHOW CHINA
          Competition is fierce between the various players, but the region is intent on   Zhuhai
          establishing itself as a major aviation hub. We investigate the latest moves.   13-18 November 2012

          Chinese industry

          Does  China  give  its  home-grown
          companies  an  unfair  advantage,  or
          is  it  just  playing  the  same  pitch  as
          the majors from the US, Europe and
          Brazil? And just as importantly, does
          China  have  the  smarts  and  capacity
          to offer a viable, supportable product
          to  cost-aware  operators?  Read  our
          in-depth  survey  of  the  current  state
          of play.

                                RESERVE YOUR ADVERTISING SPACE TODAY

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