Page 17 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 17


                                            physical environment, comfort  level,   while there are still some delays, these
                                            range of facilities and services at New   have been reduced.
                                            Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad are a   The only downside, says Somaia,
                                            major improvement. The new terminals   is that all this progress comes at a
                                            at Kolkata and Chennai are also set to   cost. At New Delhi and Mumbai, the
         TOP LEFT: Based on 2012            open in Q1 2013.”                   private airport investor is looking for
         numbers, New Delhi’s                  These upgrades and improvements   a return and this cost is being passed
         Indira Gandhi International        mean that by the end of 2013, the six   on to the airlines. So the likelihood of
         Airport is the busiest
         airport in the country             largest airports, responsible for carrying   LCCs boosting fares from these hubs is
         ABOVE: After the upgrades          70% to 80% of all Indian air traffic, will   likely, if not certain. But despite all the
         are complete, Mumbai               meet international standards. The 35   fuel cost, funding, infrastructure and
         Airport will likely have to        non-metropolitan terminals are still to   competition hassles, the Indian LCC
         play host to large amounts         be finished, but a dramatic improvement   business continues to thrive. And with a
         of both domestic and               has  been observed  even  so.  Most   few hundred million passengers queuing
         international air traffic          airports are already more efficient, and   up to buy tickets, we can see why.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                             JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2013  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  17
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