Page 18 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 18


        Avalon 2013 Preview

        Whether you’re a member of the industry or a curious bystander, this
        year’s Australian International Airshow and Aerospace and Defence
        Expo is packed with events – on the ground, in the air, and around a
        conference table. Asian Airlines and Airports brings you a sneak peek

                                            MANy     AwAIT    ThE    bIENNIAL    The setting
                                            Australian International Airshow and   This year, say the organisers, participants
                                            Aerospace and Defence Expo, dubbed   can  expect  new  and  improved facilities,
                                            Avalon2013, with anticipation – and   such as a new roof system for the
                                            well they should. Staged near Geelong   exhibition pavilions aimed at reducing
                                            in Victoria, from February 26 to March   noise and providing a more pleasant
                                            3, even regular expo-goers may find   working environment for exhibitors.
                                            themselves pleasantly surprised at this   Honnery says, “We have worked very hard
                                            year’s airshow. As Expo CEO Ian Honnery   at injecting into the event added value for
                                            put it: Avalon means business in 2013.   our industry stakeholders by enhancing
        bELOw: This year’s                     While the first segment is largely   the facilities at Avalon.”
        display of executive jets is        restricted to industry professionals and   Furthermore, so-called “Exhibitor
        expected to be the largest          trade visitors, most events are open to the   Business  Units” (EBUs)  similar  to those
        in the airshow’s history            public from 2pm, March 1.          at other international airshows such as

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